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2741 search results for: energy


Given Institute: “Global Fresh Water”

Circle of Blue Featured Speaker at The Given Institute The Fresh Water Crisis: Health of a Planet and its People Water is the planet’s axis issue. The quality, quantity and access to freshwater has significance for every human challenge — from the potential for vast new pandemics to the impacts of climate change to food […]


Drinking From The Sea

Pressed by growing urban populations, drier and warmer climates and the need to fortify supplies stretched by the increasing worldwide thirst, metropolitan and national governments on five continents are building record numbers of industrial plants to use a nearly alchemic technology to produce drinking water from the sea.


FRAC Act—Congress Introduces Twin Bills to Control Drilling and Protect Drinking Water

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica In a widely expected move that is sure to draw the ire of the oil and gas industry, Democratic members of Congress today introduced twin bills to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act and give the Environmental Protection Agency authority over the controversial drilling process called hydraulic fracturing. The stand-alone bills […]