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297 search results for: alternative energy


The Stream, February 14: Rivers in the Sky

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has joined forces with NASA to study the “rivers in the sky,” the narrow regions in the Earth’s atmosphere that transport enormous amounts of water vapor, sometimes enough to flood an area the size of Maryland 1 foot (0.3 meters) deep. Can water become a player in Afghanistan’s stability? […]


Peter Gleick: Misrepresenting Climate Science — Cherry-Picking Data for Political Purposes

In 2009, Harrison Schmitt, a former senator, astronaut, and self-described climate “denier” (and potentially the Energy Secretary to the new New Mexican governor), sent a paper to NASA riddled with long-debunked errors of science. Others have written about this paper, taking it apart error by error. But this week, some of those errors reappeared