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2741 search results for: energy


Signifying thirst: New anthology explores why water matters

Social theorists believe that meaning exists in relation, in the exchange of words and images between people. David Elliot Cohen’s new anthology, What Matters, takes this theory to heart — bringing leading photojournalists, scientists and thinkers together to explore and celebrate the ways in which photojournalism moves humanity to care, and to act. Featured in […]


Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply

For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical eye toward Atlanta’s water habits — especially, the city’s persistent tapping of Lake Lanier. But two court cases should soon determine who has rights to which water source and why. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that a U.S. District Court in Florida is set to […]


Aspen Design Challenge: Designing Water’s Future

Students to develop solutions to global water crisis in first annual “Aspen Design Challenge” AIGA, Circle of Blue and INDEX launch “Designing Water’s Future,” Engaging Cross-Disciplinary Teams of Next-Generation Thinkers Around the World NEW YORK, NY. – August 18, 2008 – AIGA, the professional association for design, today issued an ambitious call to the next […]


Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy

RED BLUFF, California – Stakeholders in dam profits watch with anxiety as an environmental lawsuit that would remove the Red Bluff diversion dam nears conclusion. The Red Bluff diversion dam provides water during the summer to boaters and farmers, but interrupts the steadily declining salmon run. “Obviously the writing is on the wall that operation […]


Three Gorges exodus complete

BEIJING – After four years of migration, over 4 million people have been evacuated from their homes to make way for the waters of China’s gargantuan hydroelectric project. At 2,309-meters in length, the dam should provide affordable energy to a rapidly developing nation. Critics, however, point to the negative impacts of human displacement, geologic alteration […]


Dam Projects Historically Controversial in California

CALIFORNIA – On the West Coast of the United States, convincing people to support dam construction remains a historically laborious feat. As California endures drought conditions and struggles to find ways to stay hydrated, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Senator Dianne Feinstein are proposing a $9.3 million bond for water that includes the construction of new […]


New York’s Gas Rush Poses Environmental Threat

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica On May 29 New York state’s top environmental officials assured state lawmakers that plans to drill for natural gas near the watershed that supplies New York City’s drinking water posed little danger. A survey of other states had found “not one instance of drinking water contamination” from the water-intensive, horizontal drilling […]


America 2050: Rebuilding and renewing U.S. water infrastructure

WASHINGTON DC – The water infrastructure of the U.S. was one of the topics on tap at this year’s America 2050 summit, convened in May by the Regional Plan Association. The related report examined “new strategies for investing in vital transportation, water, and energy infrastructure.” The report says U.S. citizens are living “with the consequences […]


Global warming to increase unpredictable weather, impacts on water, Cooley says in Congressional testimony

WASHINGTON – Congressional testimony July 10 said that global warming is likely to increase pressure on existing water resources and cause extreme events such as floods and droughts, as well as a rise in sea-levels. During the congressional committee hearing, Heather Cooley, senior research associate at the Pacific Institute, described what to expect and how […]


Roulette or routine: Experts debate utility of biofuel

BLAIRSTOWN, Iowa – Does biofuel provide a reliable alternative at the pump? Or do the threats of ethanol use, such as crop failure and unpredictable weather, render the risk greater than the reward? With ethanol prices almost doubled due to concerns about flooding in the Midwest, the experts are divided, reports the New York Times. […]