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3450 search results for: drought


This Seattle Office Building Has Composting Toilets…

And solar panels. And rainwater tanks. Plus geothermal heating and sustainable timber. But is it the right model for the next generation of urban infrastructure? Photo © Brett Walton The Bullitt Center in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood is designed to make you say, “Wow.” To capture enough sunlight to generate its own electricity, a solar […]


Federal Water Tap, June 24: EPA Fracking Studies Delayed and Terminated; President Obama to Speak on Climate Change

Fracking Studies The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s comprehensive study of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water supplies will be delayed for two years, until 2016. An EPA official made the statement at a shale gas conference in Ohio last week, according to the Associated Press. The EPA also announced that it would abandon […]


Western U.S. Water Utilities Take Financial Responsibility for Reducing Watershed Wildfire Risk

When residents in Santa Fe, New Mexico pay their water bills, they are now also paying for forest restoration. Photo © US Forest Service/Mike Stearly An AmeriCorps crew performs bank stabilization work at the site of the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Projects like this will be enhanced with the partnership between […]


The Stream, June 19: Extreme Weather Threatens World’s Poor

Adapting to Extreme Weather The world’s poorest people will be hit hardest by extreme weather caused by climate change, according to a new report from the World Bank, the Guardian reported. The increasing frequency of droughts, floods and heat waves expected in some regions, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, could cut regional food supplies within 20 years, […]


The Stream, June 17: The Earliest Indian Monsoon

A quickly advancing monsoon covered India by June 16, the earliest date on record and one month before usual, AlertNet reported. The early rains will help improve the growth and yields of summer crops like rice and soybeans, analysts said. Scarce Water Supplies Tight water supplies are getting even tighter in Jordan, as half a […]


Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’

Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources to maximize its usefulness – for predicting floods and droughts. Graphic © J. S. Famiglietti and M. Rodell, Water in the Balance, Science, 340, 1300 (2013). Figure appears as Figure S1 in Supplementary Online Materials. Prepared by Caroline de Linage, UC Irvine and Preston […]


The Stream, June 12: India Learns Water Management Tips from Israel

Israel has solved many of the same water quality and supply problems that India is facing. So, The New York Times reported, engineers and others are turning to their Israeli counterparts for advice, particularly related to drip irrigation and desalination. Klamath Battle Now that a historic confrontation over Upper Klamath Basin rights has ended, tribal […]