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3450 search results for: drought


EPA Water Infrastructure Survey Reveals Little About Utilities’ Climate Readiness

Though few reported climate change adaptation projects to the EPA, utilities are preparing in other ways. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Every four years, as required by Congress, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sends a survey to water utilities asking them to assess their infrastructure plans for the next two decades. The survey covers […]


The Stream, June 11: More Flooding Ahead For World’s Major Rivers

Severe flooding will likely increase in many of the world’s major river basins due to climate change, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, AlertNet reported. The study reviewed 29 rivers and found that the Mekong, Nile, and Amazon rivers, among others, will become more prone to severe floods, while […]


The Stream, June 5: Europe Braces for More Floods

Extreme Weather Eastern Germany is bracing for high water as the floods that have plagued Austria, Bavaria and the Czech Republic move east, Bloomberg Businessweek reported. The floods have set records in some towns, and prompted governments in both Germany and the Czech Republic to declare a state of emergency. Water Contamination After a summer […]


The Stream, May 27: Great Lakes States’ Economic Hopes Rest on Water

A “blue economy” is developing across the Great Lakes region, as a network of industries develop water-related products and services in utilities, tourism, plumbing, and more. The goal, the Associated Press reported, is to retain and attract businesses with their relative abundance of freshwater as other regions struggle with scarcity. Namibian Drought An ongoing drought […]


Sequestration Takes a Big Cut from USGS Water Research Programs

Less money means fewer staff positions and fewer research projects at the nation’s universities. Photo courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Jud Harvey is shown sampling the Six-Mile Brook streambed for mercury contamination in Adirondack State Park, New York. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Two U.S. Geological Survey research programs that […]


The Stream, May 22: Hydropower and the Congo River

Africa Planned hydropower dam projects on the Congo River could generate as much as 40,000 megawatts of electricity, making the Grand Inga system the largest in the world, the Guardian reported. Securing financial backing and buyers for the electricity are still hurdles faced by developers, but the project is gaining momentum. Water levels on Lake […]


The Stream, May 17: The Cost of Natural Disasters

Droughts, floods and other natural disasters are creating huge economic losses around the world, totaling about $US 2.5 trillion this century, according to estimates by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Bloomberg BNA reported. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged businesses to take steps to reduce disaster risk exposure when investing in new buildings […]


U.S. Marks At Least 65 Years of National Water Crisis

A short history lesson about water shortage, water wars, and drought in the United States. “The water shortage is spreading like a creeping paralysis,” claims a major national magazine, printing the words beneath before-and-after photographs of the reservoir behind Arizona’s Roosevelt Dam. In the first photo, the reservoir is brimmed with water. Five dry years […]