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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, March 18: Low Water Levels Projected for Months in Lake Michigan, Lake Huron

Average water levels in Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and other Great Lakes are projected to hover two feet below long-term averages through August caused primarily by extended drought and hot-weather expedited evaporation. That harsh reality, USA Today reported, continues to threaten economic activity of all kinds. From Drought, Fire Two wildfires flared in Northern Colorado […]


The Stream, March 15: Disaster Losses Exceeded $100 Billion in 2012

Environmental Threats Natural disasters cost the world approximately $US 138 billion last year, the third consecutive year that economic losses from disasters have exceeded $US 100 billion, AlertNet reported. Floods and droughts accounted for almost 80 percent of disaster victims in 2012. Failure to address environmental threats like climate change, deforestation, air pollution, and water […]


The Stream, March 14: Colorado Utilities Limit Municipal Water Use

Colorado residents will face some of the strictest water limits ever this spring and summer, as the state’s largest municipal water providers try to curtail spring and summer watering to two times per week. The restrictions, The Denver Post reported, show how severe the ongoing drought has been in Colorado. Fracking Commentary Two scientists explained […]


Director of National Intelligence: Water Still a U.S. National Security Concern

The U.S. intelligence community reiterates that the basic necessities of life are a national security issue. In his annual appearance before Congress, the director of national intelligence said once again that water, food and energy problems abroad, as well as climate change, deserve attention from the United States government. These natural resources and basic human […]


Runoff Forecast for Colorado River Shrinks in March

Heading into the last weeks of winter, the Colorado River Basin is dry yet again. Even worse, the river flow forecast gets drier every month. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Interstate 40 crosses the Colorado River, near Needles, California. Click image to enlarge. The March forecast for the Colorado River Basin […]


Federal Water Tap, March 11: Technical Reports for EPA Water Regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency’s science advisory board will hold a public teleconference March 29 to discuss a draft report on methods for establishing a national drinking water standard for perchlorate, a chemical used in explosives. To get details about the call, contact Angela Nugent at EPA Science Advisory Panel The EPA wants experts in […]


Study: U.S. Water Utility Revenue Growth Slows Down in Recent Years

Data from a major study of the financial health of U.S. water utilities. The research supporting this graph was made possible through funding from the Water Research Foundation and U.S. EPA The graphs show how water utility revenues have changed from year to year in six U.S. states. The solid black line represents the median […]


The Stream, March 6: More Than 1 Million Syrian Refugees

There are now more than 1 million Syrians either registered as refugees or being assisted as refugees, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. The scale of the refugee crisis is putting increasing pressure on the housing, food and water resources of host countries and camps, and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees described Syria […]


The Stream, March 1: Pakistan Takes Action on Climate Change

Policy Pakistan has developed its first national policy framework for taking action on climate change, including prevention, mitigation and adaptation measures, AlertNet reported. The country has been hit in recent years by increasingly severe floods and droughts. In opposing a European Commission proposal that would allow the privatization of water supplies, the German Bundesrat, the […]