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3450 search results for: drought


Federal Water Tap, November 19: Water Infrastructure Financing Bills in the Senate

Senator Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat, introduced legislation that would set up a federal water infrastructure financing program modeled after a program that provides low-interest loans for transportation projects.The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) would give priority to water and wastewater projects of national or regional significance, covering a gap in existing federal […]


The Stream, November 16: Myanmar’s Test from Foreign Investment

Myanmar’s forests, river systems, and the wildlife they support may face challenges as the country becomes more democratic and open to foreign investment, Yale Environment 360 reports. Early moves suggest the government is taking care to protect the environment, but conservationists worry that a “Wild West” scenario could unfold. Africa Rice crops in western Kenya […]


Ken Burns’s The Dust Bowl Revives an American Tragedy

Drought, farm follies, and pain on the Great Plains. Photo courtesy Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection A farmer and his son walk through a dust storm in Cimarron County, Oklahoma in 1936. Ken Burns’s new PBS documentary The Dust Bowl is a devastating testament to the foolishness, pain, and ultimate epiphanies […]


The Stream, November 13: U.S., Energy, and Climate Change

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), “by around 2020, the United States is projected to become the largest global oil producer,” according to their World Energy Outlook 2012 report. According to Scientific American, “easier access to more oil and gas could cause a surge in global greenhouse gas emission levels, which could trump recent […]


The Stream, November 9: Hepatitis Outbreak in South Sudan

An outbreak of Hepatitis E in South Sudan refugee camps has killed 26 people and infected more than 1,000, according to the United Nations News Centre. The virus is spread through contaminated food and water, and the problem could worsen with the rainy season and an influx of more refugees. China’s agriculture minister warned today […]


The Stream, November 8: Early Look at Water in U.S. Ballot Results

Water-quality protection measures were among the 46 conservation-related measures passed by local and state voters around the country yesterday. The Trust for Public Land summarized prominent results, WaterWorld reported. The city of San Francisco will not have to create a plan to destroy the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir’s dam. More than 77 percent of voters overturned […]


Federal Water Tap, October 29: Have You Heard? There’s an Election Coming Soon. Also, Hurricane Sandy

This week, Circle of Blue will publish a water guide to the 2012 election. It will explain the presidential candidates’ positions on water, as well as point out various state and local initiatives related to desalination, financing and water supply. Look for it in the next few days. (Update 10/31/12: 2012 Election Guide.) Storm Warning […]


The Stream, October 26: Natural Disasters, Pollution, and Porpoises

Hurricane Sandy hit the Caribbean islands hard over the past few days, killing 21 people and knocking out power and water supplies in the Bahamas and Cuba, Reuters reported. The storm is expected to move up the United States’ East Coast, where some forecasters predict it could create a “billion-dollar disaster.” After three years of […]


Agriculture in Transition in the West Texas Plains

As in much of the Great Plains, farmers here are adapting to new conditions. Photo © Brett Walton/Circle of Blue Farmer Glenn Schur talks to a group of journalists about growing cotton in the Texas High Plains. The Euclidian scrape of the West Texas plains is both mesmerizing and terrifying. Mesmerizing in their simplicity–cotton field, […]


The Stream, October 17: Environment Harmed in Rush for Food Security, UNEP Report Finds

Global investments in food security are degrading the environment, eroding the foundation that delivers much-needed food to the world. An environmental focus will assure sustainable food production, according to a report from the UN Environment Program, reported by Xinhua. Happy (Almost) Birthday, Clean Water Act A moment of celebration for a turning point in the […]