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927 search results for: sanitation


Risk of Covid-19 in Recreational Water is Low

The risk of contracting Covid-19 from both wastewater and recreational water is low, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Studies conducted in multiple countries in recent months have detected the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, in treated and untreated wastewater, but to this date there has been no evidence of a person contracting the […]


The Stream, June 25, 2020: New Rule Could Exempt Companies from Reporting Certain PFAS Releases

The Global Rundown A new exemption being drafted by U.S. federal regulators would exempt companies from reporting certain releases of PFAS into the environment. Early test results show low levels of dioxin contamination in mid-Michigan in the wake of historic flooding last month. Heavy rainfall deluges western Ukraine, killing three people and forcing hundreds to […]


The Stream, June 19, 2020: California Farmers Have Constitutional Rights to Imperial Valley Water, Judge Rules

The Global Rundown Power struggles continue in California’s tense Imperial Irrigation District. A new proposal calls for the prime ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan to broker continued negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The U.S. Senate passes a major conservation bill. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) elects not to set drinking water […]


The Stream, June 18, 2020: More than 300 Mid-Michigan Wells Are Dry Following Dam Break Last Month

The Global Rundown Recent flooding in mid-Michigan leaves more than 300 wells dry. Japanese researchers detect the coronavirus in wastewater plants, mirroring similar findings in Australia, Europe, and the U.S. In drought-stricken Zimbabwe, some residents are forced to queue overnight for water. A new ruling by Nevada’s top water regulator halts groundwater pumping around Coyote […]


The Stream, June 17, 2020: Methane Leaking from Millions of Abandoned Oil Wells Threatens U.S. Groundwater

The Global Rundown Methane is seeping from millions of abandoned oil wells in the U.S., threatening groundwater supplies. A new study by Vanderbilt University finds multiple benefits to proactive home buyouts in flood prone areas. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) calls for China to be more transparent with its dam operations on the Mekong River. […]


The Stream, June 16, 2020: Drought Reaches “Extreme” Levels in Parts of Colorado, New Mexico, California, and Oregon

The Global Rundown An abnormally warm May deepens drought in the western United States. A settlement of mud huts on the outskirts of Caracas, Venezuela, where residents lack running water, power, and sanitation services, expands amid the country’s ongoing economic crisis. The coronavirus pandemic worsens water access in the Dominican Republic. Potential contamination caused by […]