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316 search results for: solar power


The Stream, June 23: Biofuels For Europe’s Aviation

European airlines, biofuel producers and the European Commission have signed an agreement to produce 2 million tons of biofuel for aviation by 2020, even as debate rages over how green such fuels are, Reuters reports. Is the branding of biofuels as a low-carbon alternative to oil taking away from the discussion about their impact on […]


The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California’s 2007-2009 drought finds surprising outcomes for the state’s agriculture, energy and the environment. Here’s also a summary by The New York Times Green blog. The growing shale gas development could undermine the market for renewable energy, even as falling costs allow wind and solar to overtake fossil fuels […]


Focusing on Sustainable Growth — China Releases Draft of 12th Five-Year Plan

Clearly wary about the consequences of its rapid economic development on the environment, China has set a path over the next five years to reduce consumption of the two most important resources that power its economy— coal and water. The country plans to rein in water use and introduces new energy intensity reduction targets in pursuit of more sustainable economic growth, according to the draft proposal of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the master economic blueprint that will chart China’s development through 2015.