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378 search results for: World Water Forum


India’s National Green Tribunal Challenges Government and Industry To Follow the Law

Four-year-old court emerges as global leader in securing resources, promoting economic gain. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Courtroom Number 1 in session at the National Green Tribunal in New Delhi. The interior design conveys institutional significance, and sound and independent legal judgment. Beneath the gold and green, though, lies the spirit of […]


Showing Off Circle of Blue Colleagues and Reporting in Traverse City

World-changing reporting fresh from northern Michigan. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Circle of Blue’s Choke Point: China project showed how China’s massive energy-consuming urban construction program, like this development in Xian, is producing an urgent a confrontation over water in the dry north, where much of China’s energy is produced. Click image […]


Circle of Blue and Qlik Team Up for White House Climate Data Initiative

QlikView Dashboard Visualizes and Compares California Water Reserves as Part of Choke Point: Index Coverage of Global Water Crises Qlik (NASDAQ: QLIK), a leader in user-driven business intelligence (BI), and Circle of Blue, a team of award-winning journalists and researchers reporting on water and worldwide resource issues, announced that a new data dashboard ( powered by QlikView is […]


California Drought: Lessons from Australia’s Biggest Dry

Join the Conversation How should California respond to its water challenge? Tuesday, March 18, 2014 10:00a – 12:00p PDT 1:00p – 3:00p EDT. Contents Introduction: California Drought Summary: The International Context Links and Resources What is Choke Point: Index Meet the Panelists Questions? How should California respond to its water challenge? Your expertise, creativity and […]


Air Pollution: Eastern China Becomes A Smoker’s Lounge

Did you miss Circle of Blue’s reporting on how cleaning up the power sector – namely coal – and reducing energy demand would clear the air and provide water benefits? Not to worry; Brett Walton gives an update on the current smog situation and how a recent report may provide solutions.