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927 search results for: sanitation


Federal Water Tap, June 1: EPA Outlines Methylmercury Study Methods

The Rundown The EPA’s chemical risk assessment division is reviewing a two-decade-old safety limit for the neurotoxin methylmercury. A report analyzes the success of water and sewer projects funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission. USDA allocates $280 million for rural water and sewer projects. USAID worries about coronavirus fallout for water providers in developing countries. […]


The Stream, May 20, 2020: Chicago Sewage Washes Into Lake Michigan as Heavy Rain Overwhelms Infrastructure

The Global Rundown Sewage sweeps into Lake Michigan as heavy rain overwhelms Chicago’s $3 billion Deep Tunnel sewer system. Health experts in England warn that businesses closed due to Covid-19 should flush out their water supply before reopening due to concerns about Legionnaires’ disease. Drought in Colorado continues to expand, boosting the likelihood of forest […]


UN Triples Covid-19 Aid Request

The United Nations is now requesting $6.7 billion to carry out its humanitarian response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Unless we take action now, we should be prepared for a significant rise in conflict, hunger and poverty,” said Mark Lowcock, the UN coordinator for humanitarian relief. “The specter of multiple famines looms.” The funding is direly […]


The Stream, May 7, 2020: Governments in Southern Africa Target Water Shortages Amid Covid-19 Crisis

The Global Rundown The Covid-19 pandemic pushes governments in southern Africa to become more proactive in maintaining adequate water supplies. The number of people displaced by recent flooding in Kenya reaches 100,000. A coalition of oil-producing states in the U.S. requests stimulus funding so that laid off energy workers can fill abandoned oil wells, which […]


The Stream, May 1, 2020: Queensland Buries Scientific Data Suggesting a Ban on Fracking in Fragile Basin

The Global Rundown Officials in Queensland, Australia, bury scientific information suggesting a ban on fracking in the fragile Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin. Florida’s Tampa Bay area faces property devaluation due to rising sea levels. Urban experts estimate that the coronavirus pandemic will result in 100 million “new poor” living in the world’s cities. Judge rules […]