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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, March 20: Connecting the Dots Between Water Stress and Food Prices

Hydropower and Water Security Two of the world’s biggest energy companies have pledged to measure the economic, social and environmental effects of their big hydropower projects using new voluntary guidelines, according to the Guardian. The building of dams and the increasing water consumption in upstream Afghanistan negatively affects water supply to Iran and could exacerbate […]


The Stream, March 16: Emissions On The Rise

Climate Change Fossil fuels will supply 85 percent of the world’s energy in 2050 if current trends persist, creating a 50 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new environmental outlook released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Reuters reported. A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists identifies the top […]


The Stream, March 15: On Weather Extremes, Land Grabs and Nuclear Power

Climate Change Australia should brace itself for higher temperatures and more weather extremes, such as intense rainfalls and droughts, according to a government report. The more chaotic weather will be an especially big challenge to miners and farmers, who are already building bigger holding dams for flood waters and altering cropping practices. About 3.7 million […]


The Stream, March 14: South Africa’s Water Gap

South Africa could face a 17 percent gap between water supply and demand by 2030, a shortage that would significantly impact the country’s economy, according to the new Water Disclosure SA report published by the Carbon Disclosure Project. The survey found that 58 percent of South African businesses have already experienced negative impacts from water […]


The Stream, March 13: South American Gold Rush Triggers Worries Over Water

What are “social-environmental” conflicts? Why are mining projects triggering mass protests in Argentina and Peru? Le Monde reports on the gold rush for South America’s mineral resources and the local response. Agriculture Water pollution from pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture is costing billions of dollars a year in developed countries and will become worse […]


The Stream, March 6: An Essay on Hunger

Droughts and Floods Today’s must-read: Paul Salopek’s beautiful, poignant, thought-provoking account for Foreign Policy of his journey with the Daasanach nomads through the hunger zone in northern Kenya. Prolonged dry spells and droughts have threatened parts of China, Russia, Australia, France, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, the United Kingdom, East Africa and the United States in recent […]


The Stream, February 29: Water Struggles At Fukushima

Asia Water is essential for keeping Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant safe, where hundreds of thousands of gallons are used every day to cool reactors, but containing the 10,000 tons of contaminated water leaked each month is becoming a challenge, The Wall Street Journal reported. Thailand will spend almost $US 1 billion to regenerate forests […]


The Stream, February 27: The U.S. Shale Oil Boom

Energy The shale oil boom in the United States is putting a big squeeze on small towns in North Dakota and Montana that are suddenly seeing a rapid influx of people, traffic, infrastructure, crime and rising demand for housing, according to Reuters. On Friday, a second New York state judge upheld an upstate community’s ban […]


The Stream, February 24: South Africa Invests in Energy

Energy South Africa may invest $78 billion in new nuclear power plants, a hydropower project and a coal-fired power plant in order to keep up with energy demand, Business Week reported. A European Union expert committee failed to reach a decision on a proposal that would label fuel from tar sands as highly polluting, pushing […]


The Stream, February 22: Africa’s Food Security

Water Quality Environmental degradation, including waste water discharge that is harming fisheries, is the greatest threat to food security in Africa, Xinhua reported. Proposed regulations for ballast water discharge in the Great Lakes will not do enough to stop invasive species, according to environmental groups, Reuters reported. The groups want the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency […]