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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, February 17: U.S. House Moves Keystone XL Forward

Energy A bill meant to speed up approval of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline passed the United States House of Representatives, Bloomberg News reported. Those opposed to the pipeline, which would carry crude oil from Canada’s tar sands to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico, say it could harm the environment. In this Guardian video, […]


The Stream, February 15: The World’s Water Footprint

The United States is the world’s largest exporter, and one of the biggest importers, of virtual water, a measure of the water used to create products that are shipped abroad, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study, which outlines the flow of water around the […]


The Stream, February 13: Global Ice Melt

Climate The global ice melt from 2003 to 2010 resulted in enough water to flood the entire United States in a foot and a half of melted ice, according to researchers from the University of Colorado. The U.K. Environment Agency has warned of a potential drought in England this summer after record low rainfall in […]


The Stream, February 6: U.S. to Require Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals

The U.S. government will require natural gas companies to disclose the chemicals they use in hydraulic fracturing on public lands, according to draft rules crafted by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Reuters reported. The eastern line of China’s South-North Water Diversion Project, which will transfer water from the Yangtze River Basin to the drought-prone […]


The Stream, January 31: Mining and Food Production

Australia’s first law intended to protect prime agricultural land from mining has come into effect in Queensland, ABC reported. Though the law covers about 4 percent of the state’s land, critics say it will only apply to open-pit mining and not cover underground mining, exploration work or coal seam gas (coal-bed methane) production. Australia is […]


Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes

Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to 2012 for some of the world’s largest and most iconic freshwater lakes. Image courtesy NASA Dry weather and pollution are plaguing some of the major lakes in China, Africa, South and North America at the start of the year, posing threats to regional water […]


The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River

Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than the official limit in China’s Longjiang River, Xinhua reported. The pollution, which may have been caused by mining, spurred a rush to buy bottled water amid fears of drinking water contamination. Weather Extremes Floods killed 6 people in Fiji and displaced 3,500 following heavy rains, […]


The Stream, January 26: The Shale Boom and the Economy

The International Energy Agency will make shale gas recommendations in its upcoming global energy report this fall, Financial Post reported. U.S. Shale Boom U.S. President Barack Obama pushed support for shale gas drilling and clean energy technology in his State of the Union address. Bloomberg gives the highlights. Meanwhile, North Dakota’s shale oil boom has […]


The Stream, January 20: Mongolia’s Mining Boom

Vast mineral wealth and growing demand from China are driving a huge mining boom in Mongolia, where the International Monetary Fund predicts the economy will grow an average of 14 percent a year between 2012 and 2016, The Economist reported. The rapid growth could impact the region’s aquifers. The mismanagement of groundwater resources could threaten […]


The Stream, January 18: Commercial Agriculture Displaces Ethiopians

Agriculture The Ethiopian government is relocating thousands of people from the country’s Gambella region in order to make way for commercial agriculture, the Guardian reported, citing a report from Human Rights Watch. The report argues that citizens are not getting proper compensation for the land, and that relocation threatens their food security. A new government […]