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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, November 23: Shale Gas and Climate Change

Developing the United Kingdom’s shale gas reserves is incompatible with the country’s climate change goals, according to a new study from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Manchester. The carbon cost of developing just 20 percent of U.K.’s proven shale reserves would offset about 15 percent of the government’s greenhouse gas emissions budget […]


The Stream, November 21: World Should Brace for More Weather Extremes

The world should brace for more record-breaking temperatures, heat waves, droughts and heavy downpours as climate change will likely increase the risk from extreme weather events, according to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the BBC reported. The World Resources Institute summarizes the five takeaways from the report. And Ceres highlights […]


Federal Water Tap, November 21: Shale Gas and Water Security

Frack the Halls The shale gas boom rolled through Congress last week. At a House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee hearing, chairman Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) said states are doing a good job regulating gas drilling and that states would lose the economic benefits if “needlessly restrictive” federal regulations for wastewater were put in place. The Senate […]


The Stream, November 18: UNEP Calls for Green Global Economy

Water management trails climate change on companies’ agenda, despite significant near-term risk and opportunity, according to the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Water Disclosure global report. Two percent of the global gross domestic product (GDP) should be invested in 10 industries — including water, agriculture and energy — to start making the global economy more sustainable, […]


Peter Gleick: Energy, Water, and Climate Change in the Western U.S.

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute evaluates the water needs for different energy futures and identifies a growing risk of conflicts between electricity production and water availability in the U.S. Intermountain West. The new report also identifies strategies to ensure the long-term sustainable use of both resources, especially given the realities of climate change. […]


The Stream, November 10: World Losing Chance To Avoid Climate Change, EIA Warns

If fossil fuel development is not rapidly changed, the world will “lose for ever” the chance to avoid dangerous climate change, the International Energy Agency warned, according to the Guardian. EIA’s World Energy Outlook 2011 report sounds alarm bells in both developing and developed nations. Has the leadership on climate changed suddenly passed from the […]


The Stream, November 9: Fracking Without Water

A new method of hydraulic fracturing utilizes reusable liquid propane gas instead of water to release underground natural gas deposits, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. The technology, which is being developed in Canada, could have dramatic implications for water use in the burgeoning natural gas industry. United States Climate-related natural disasters have incurred $14 billion […]


The Stream, November 4: Developing Countries Bear Environmental Burdens, UNDP Report Says

Developing countries are bearing the brunt of environmental burdens — including drought, water pollution and extreme weather — with little help from prosperous countries, according to the United Nations Development Program’s newest annual report on worldwide quality of life, the Associated Press reported. The report also says that progress made in these developing countries could […]


The Stream, November 2: Weather Extremes Will Worsen

Costly weather extremes such as drought and floods are becoming more prevalent as climate change progresses, the Associated Press reported, citing a draft of a new study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The growing populations in vulnerable locations around the world will likely exacerbate the problem. Only 5 percent of the $97 billion […]


The Stream, October 27: China’s Desalination Plans

A program in California’s Imperial Valley offers farmers money to keep their land fallow and divert water to thirsty cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and Palm Springs, The New York Times reported. Drought and water pollution are creating a nightmare scenario worldwide, according to, which attempts to summarize the main dimensions of the […]


The Stream, October 25: Flood Crisis in Southeast Asia

Climate change manifests itself most visibly through water. But is heat the more immediate threat to the world’s breadbaskets? Floods in Southeast Asia Areas of Bangkok are bracing for evacuation as floodwaters began spilling into the capital, boosting the levels in the Chao Phraya river, damaging infrastructure, and causing food and water shortages in a […]