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3450 search results for: drought


Circle of Blue Director Appointed to World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Water Security

J. Carl Ganter is director of Circle of Blue, a global water research organization at the heart of the Great Lakes. TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan — The World Economic Forum, the Geneva-based organization best known for convening global leaders through its annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, has appointed J. Carl Ganter, co-founder and director for Circle of […]


The Stream, August 2: Shrinking Glaciers and Growing Deserts

There are only 25 glaciers in the Glacier National Park now, compared to 150 in the 19th century, Grist reported. By 2020, even these will be gone, according to the park’s coordinator of climate change and glacial geology. The Financial Times verdict on Kenya’s drought: the country has failed to manage its food crisis, which […]


The Stream, August 1: Land-grabbing in Ethiopia

Human rights group Survival International has accused the Ethiopian government of leasing some of its most productive farmland in the Omo River region to foreign companies, Voice of America reported. Meanwhile, the Oakland Institute said last week that land-grabbing in Ethiopia risks adding to the millions of people already in need of food aid in […]


The Stream, July 29: U.S. Cities To Face More Weather Extremes

A new National Resources Defense Council report concludes that no region or city in the United States is immune to the water-related effects of climate change, such as sea level rise, increased rain, flooding, drought and drinking water impacts, The Huffington Post reported. Residue from a manganese plant in China has flooded a river in […]


The Stream, July 27: What’s to Blame for Somalia’s Famine?

Even though drought, poor infrastructure and poverty are all contributing factors to the risk of famine, famine deaths in the modern world are almost always “the result of deliberate acts on the part of governing authorities,” according to Foreign Policy’s Charles Kenny. Somalia, he adds, is shaping up to be yet another “case study of […]


The Stream, July 25: Climate, Trade and International Security

Climate change is a real threat to international peace and security, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said after a Security Council meeting on global warming during which western countries clashed with Russia and developing nations over whether climate change is a security matter. Climate change also took center stage at a recent meeting of the World […]


Federal Water Tap, July 25: Tar Sands Pipeline Review

Pipeline Update The State Department expects to release a final environmental impact statement next month for the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, a department official said on Friday during a teleconference from Washington, D.C. After the final EIS is released, federal agencies will have 90 days to comment on whether building the 1,700-mile pipeline […]


United Nations Stalemates on Climate Change and Security

Climate change became a hot-button issue at a recent U.N. Security Council meeting. On Wednesday, Western countries clashed with Russia and developing nations over whether climate change is a matter of national and international security that merits the attention of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Reuters reported. Although it initially blocked the adoption of […]


The Stream, July 21: UN Declares Famine in Somalia

The United Nations has declared famine in two regions of southern Somalia amid a relentless drought that has gripped east Africa, the Guardian reported. Here’s an interactive map of the drought in the region. This Foreign Affairs article argues that the world does not necessarily face a food price volatility problem. It faces a high […]


The Stream, July 20: The Climate-Food Connection

The U.S. Department of Agriculture urges more study of the climate-food nexus, Reuters reported. With world food needs projected to increase by 70 percent by 2050, water availability will be a key factor in long-term forecasts. In that case, why is the U.S. government such a staunch supporter of ethanol? A Purdue University study found […]


The Stream, July 19: Heat Wave in Central U.S.

The heatwave in the central United States intensified Monday, closing government buildings without air-conditioning and prompting warnings to residents to keep as cool as possible, Reuters reported. The National Weather Service has put 18 states under a heat warning, watch or advisory. And while some states are baking in heat, climatologists say that drought could […]