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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, July 15: Central Asia’s Climate-Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Peabody Energy Corp. will pursue a giant coal-mine project in China’s resource-rich but dry Xinjiang region in partnership with the local provincial government, The Wall Street Journal reported. A new study by the United States Forest Service found that a patch of national forest in West Virginia suffered quick and serious loss of vegetation after […]


The Stream, July 13: Water Pollution in China

Leading global clothing brands source products from Chinese suppliers that pollute rivers with toxic chemicals banned in Europe and elsewhere, Reuters reported, citing a Greenpeace report published on Wednesday. Africa Drought East Africa’s devastating drought is likely the result of strong seasonal weather phenomenon in the region and is not tied to climate change, UPI […]


The Stream, July 12: The Melting Arctic

TransCanada Corp, the company that hopes to build the Keystone XL pipeline to take crude oil from Canada’s tar sands to Texas, has underestimated the number and volume of spills that could occur on the line, according to an independent analysis by a water resources engineer at the University of Nebraska, Reuters reported. The company […]


The Stream, July 11: Desperate Hunger Looms in the Horn of Africa

An unprecedented drought, instability and higher global food prices are threatening famine and a humanitarian crisis in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti, The New York Times reported. About 10-11 million people are in urgent need of food aid in the Horn of Africa as a consequence of the dry spell, according to official estimates. Meanwhile, […]


The Stream, July 5: Water Trading

The Australian water industry, valued at up to $27 billion, is booming, according to CNBC. But can water trading lead to water grabs? Fourteen city councils are up in arms over London’s plan to build a “super sewer” to collect the millions of tons of raw sewage that overflows into the Thames River after heavy […]


The Stream, July 4: France Bans Fracking

France became the first country to outlaw hydraulic fracking, after French senators voted 176 in favor and 151 against a bill to ban the controversial technique, Bloomberg reported. According to the new law, energy companies that plan to use fracking to produce oil and gas in France will have their permits revoked. A Reuters analysis […]


The Stream, June 30: Water Highs and Lows in the U.S.

Georgia officials are smiling after Tuesday’s verdict from a federal appeals panel that overturns a lower court’s ruling that metro Atlanta does not have legal authority to use Lake Lanier for its water supply. The Associated Press reports that the Army Corps of Engineers, which operates the reservoir, will re-evaluate Atlanta’s request for water under […]


Energy vs. Water in China and the U.S.

Business Ramifications Discussion: Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 Thanks for joining on our call. If you missed it, or wish to review the transcript you may do so at the bottom of the page. Click here to jump to the Energy vs. Water in China and the US transcript. Photo; Aaron Jaffe / Circle of Blue […]


James Workman: Mandela’s Global Water Ambassador Dies — A Reflection on South African Human Rights Lawyer, Kader Asmal

When Nelson Mandela named South Africa’s first democratic Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry – a futile effort to keep his outspoken, irascible, chain-smoking friend out of trouble – Kader Asmal claimed ignorance about the rudimentary basics of his new portfolio.