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316 search results for: solar power


Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture

At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of Water-Saving Construction The sun-dried expanse between Shepparton and Deniliquin, New South Wales, is dotted with irrigated hay, wheat and other crops by Keith Schneider Photographs by J. Carl Ganter Circle of Blue Reports Northern Victoria is so flat that it takes a few days for […]


Rethinking cities: Moving the farm indoors

Vertical farms: Reclaiming urban space and moving production closer to consumption by C.T. Pope Circle of Blue Imagine a city as a black hole where all matter is sucked in and disappears — nothing is produced and everything is consumed. It was from this perspective that Columbia University Professor Dickson Despommier explained his revolutionary idea […]


Global warming to increase unpredictable weather, impacts on water, Cooley says in Congressional testimony

WASHINGTON – Congressional testimony July 10 said that global warming is likely to increase pressure on existing water resources and cause extreme events such as floods and droughts, as well as a rise in sea-levels. During the congressional committee hearing, Heather Cooley, senior research associate at the Pacific Institute, described what to expect and how […]


Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water, One Bottle at a Time

MUNICH, Germany — An inventor from Munich, Germany, Stephan Augustin, has created and trademarked a device called the Watercone®. It is a simple, lightweight, easy-to-use solar-powered water desalinator that takes salt or brackish water and generates freshwater in just 24 hours. Read more here. Source: The Sietch Blog