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3450 search results for: drought


Water Allocations for Californian Farmers Increased, But Only Somewhat

Farmers south of California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta can expect to receive about 10 percent of their federally allocated water this spring, so says the U.S. Department of the Interior. That’s up from zero, after heavy rain- and snow-fall in the Sierra’s had the Bureau of Reclamation reassess earlier predictions Tuesday.


Australians Watch Murray-Darling Water Levels Sink to Record Lows; Situation “Bleak,” Officials Say

May marks the season for rainmakers in Australia. As the month approaches, Aboriginal weather watchers look to blooming wattle trees, flitting native birds and flocking cockatoos for signs of rain. But this year, autumn arrives with a dire forecast. Prospects for the season look “bleak,” as inflows to the Murray River “hit record lows” in […]


Hope Shines Through Rain Clouds in Cyprus

When rain falls in Cyprus, it immediately floods news headlines. The water-scarce Mediterranean island is hoping to ease water cuts to households in the summer, after wet weather this year has partially refilled water reservoirs. A year after the government on the volcanic island ordered emergency water rationing in the face of prolonged water drought, […]


Dry Spell Sabotages Arusha’s Rainy Season

ARUSHA, Tanzania — Arusha may be close to the equator, but the Municipal District of Arusha in northern Tanzania is struggling with an extended drought that compromises its wet season. Faced with a “drastic fall in the water supply,” Arusha authorities have appealed to residents to take care of their water use. According to The […]


The Latest Corporate Social Responsible News: Saving Water

Source: CSRwire – March 24, 2009 – The role of business, investment, and media in solving global water crises. “Australia’s 12-year drought provides a litmus test for the viability of water solutions. Circle of Blue, a media company focused on water, launched a new web-based platform called Idea Central to gather solutions to Australia’s toughest […]


Responding to Australia’s water crisis: Idea Central, ground-breaking international online event for public and experts to have their say, find solutions

Carried by: CSRwire LONDON – March 18, 2009 – Circle of Blue, the international multi-media online news organization, and Imaginatik, the London- and Boston-based collaborative software firm, today launched Circle of Blue Idea Central — a first of its kind online global survey event that captures ideas from people around the world to help solve […]


Infrastructure Imminent: Has Australian Tinderbox Found its Match?

In fire-seared Australia, water is a matter of national security. The government of New South Wales agrees. In concert with public water corporation Actew, it is poised to announce changes to the way the nation flows, literally. According to the Canberra Times, Actew expects an announcement in two weeks that would allow the corporation to […]