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3450 search results for: drought


To regulate or not to regulate: California looks for solutions to another year of dry conditions

Fallow fields and cattle for sale foreshadow a future of continued drought for California. The state’s Department of Water Resources reports that some contractors will benefit from only 15 percent of their typical allocation. According to Capitol Weekly, a new study by the University of California–Berkeley found that climate change could cost California $300 million […]


Three billion without water by 2080

U.N. experts predict global water shortages could triple in effect by 2080 — leaving some 3.2 billion people without clean water. Today that number is 1.1 billion, but experts at a regional conference in Malaysia warned that a changing climate could have a dramatic effect on where, when, and how often rain falls and water […]


Global water business, a growth industry, attracting more investors

Realistic expectations drive long-term gains, experts predict by Keith Schneider Circle of Blue NEW YORK – It didn’t quite land with a thunk!, but it did attract some attention last August when a 16-page investment brochure from Dublin, California dropped into the mailboxes of stock buyers all over the country. “Water stocks,” declared the investor […]


Water conservation is water conservation, except when it isn’t

In the ongoing water wars between Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is questioning Florida’s motives for conservation, the Fort Mill Times reports. At the center of the controversy is Florida’s Apalachicola Bay, home to endangered sturgeon and mussel species — but also the heart of Florida’s lucrative oyster and shrimp industry. By […]


Aesthetic irrigation requires approval, Georgia decides

Despite a significant drought in much of the American Southeast, gardeners and landscapers have found a way to water their turf. Georgia Urban Agriculture Council’s Outdoor Water Use Registration Program asks lawn lovers and garden gurus to pass a test that proves their knowledge of less water-intensive species and sustainable water use methods. Those certified […]


Pacific Institute makes water policy recommendations for next president

OAKLAND, California — Clear, integrated, domestic and international water policy at the federal level, is the focus of a new report by the Pacific Institute. Dr. Peter Gleick outlines his suggestions in a three page open letter to the next president of the United States. Covering the gambit from international conflict resolution to United States […]


Nuts over water: Poor pistachio crop drives Iran-U.S. competition

An April frost and drought conditions in Iran have significantly damaged the Islamic nation’s pistachio crop — their second export behind oil. Now they face pressure from California, also a major pistachio producer, reports Reuters. Although U.S. efforts to market the nut are strong, dry conditions in the American West also mean that neither country […]


Opinion — Time to tap into water-wise farmers’ well of ideas

Circle of Blue covered the Pacific Institute’s newest report on water agricultural conservation last week. The report, More with Less: Agriculture Water Conservation and Efficiency in California, generated controversy throughout the agricultural sector in southern California. For example, Timothy Quinn, executive director of the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), said the report “does not […]


What would Peter Gleick do? Hypothetical PowerPoint explains water crisis for next president

In eight slides or less, sums up the water crisis. The hypothetical presentation, created by Wired, showcases the research of Dr. Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute and provides the next president with a roadmap to the worldwide freshwater crisis. In the PowerPoint, Wired — channeling Gleick — illustrates problems such as mismanagement, expensive […]


Going through withdrawals: Why less could soon be more for California farmers

Controversial study encourages water-savvy Delta management Sarah Haughn Circle of Blue A new study on how to stanch California’s penchant for water has growers, deliverers and politicians talking. The Pacific Institute’s report — More with Less: Agriculture Water Conservation and Efficiency in California — suggests that California not only can reduce its water withdrawals from the […]


Rethinking cities: Moving the farm indoors

Vertical farms: Reclaiming urban space and moving production closer to consumption by C.T. Pope Circle of Blue Imagine a city as a black hole where all matter is sucked in and disappears — nothing is produced and everything is consumed. It was from this perspective that Columbia University Professor Dickson Despommier explained his revolutionary idea […]