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3450 search results for: drought


Water answers from the blue party: Obama responds to science policy questions

by C.T. Pope Circle of Blue UPDATE: Since the original posting of this article, John McCain also responded to the science policy questionnaire. As the presidential race ratchets into high gear this fall, science and energy policies are edging into the debates of both parties. Barack Obama became the first presidential hopeful to answer a 14-question […]


Wasting away: Effluent water bolsters urban agriculture, but poses serious health risks

Farmers cope with water pollution in their efforts to feed millions by Sarah Haughn Circle of Blue Cities above and below the equator rely on the fruits of urban agriculture, literally. According to a new report, many farmers use human sewage to irrigate that agriculture. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) estimates that 800 million […]


London mayor echoes Maathai: City needs to harvest rainwater, plant trees

LONDON — London, a city wrapped in the humidity of heatwaves and rainfall, is at risk for increased flooding as the globe warms, warns Mayor Boris Johnson. Not only flooding, he says, but also droughts. England has less water per capita than Morroco, reports Reuters. In an attempt to ready England for the onslaught of […]


Dirty waters: Corruption infects global water services

Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: misconduct rife in water sector by C.T. Pope Circle of Blue From Manila to Milan, fraud, bribery and organized profiteering are rampant in the water sector says a new report by Transparency International (TI), a global non-profit aimed at exposing and preventing corruption. The organization’s annual corruption report, presented last […]


“Virtual water” does little for Palestinians

JERUSALEM – The drought in the Middle East continues to define tensions between Israel and Palestine. While World Health Organization statistics show that Palestinians consume three times less water than their Israeli neighbors, Palestinians also access only one-third of the WHO’s recommended daily amount. According to the BBC, the issue is control. Israel needs water […]


Aspen Design Challenge: Designing Water’s Future

Students to develop solutions to global water crisis in first annual “Aspen Design Challenge” AIGA, Circle of Blue and INDEX launch “Designing Water’s Future,” Engaging Cross-Disciplinary Teams of Next-Generation Thinkers Around the World NEW YORK, NY. – August 18, 2008 – AIGA, the professional association for design, today issued an ambitious call to the next […]


Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure

SAN FRANCISCO – San Francisco’s humongous Hetch Hetchy water system is getting an upgrade. Responding to drought conditions, the city has decided to spend $4.4 billion to refurbish the area’s most extensive water infrastructure project. Improving provision of the resource to almost 2.5 million people, however, requires no small degree of coordination and political sensitivity, […]


Virtual geology: New map to expose hidden water, minerals, and oil

LILLESTROEM, Norway – A new geological map, launched in Norway, shows the planet reduced to bedrock and that which lies beneath it. Ian Jackson, chief of operations at the British Geological Society, tells Reuters he believes the project will profit both public and private interests. The online cartography project, christened OneGeology, premieres the UN-declared International […]


Dry spells and large-scale agriculture: Climate change threatens Uganda’s food security

Sustainable agriculture helps Ugandan farmers cope with water shortages by Sarah Haughn Circle of Blue KAMPALA, Uganda – An unexpectedly brief rainy season in Uganda is putting pressure on large-scale agriculture operations, challenging them to get what they can out of their crops and their workers. In the face of climate change, plantations that depend […]


Flash floods leave New Mexico mountain town in deep water

RUIDOSO, New Mexico – Two states east of drought-riddled and fire-etched California, the New Mexico mountain town of Ruidoso recently endured flash flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Dolly. The flood engorged and overwhelmed the Rio Ruidoso and displaced 400 people, announced Reuters. There was one fatality. According to Darlene Hart, of the town’s fire […]