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782 search results for: Canada


The Stream, April 30: Budget Cuts at Environment Canada

Federal budget cuts at Environment Canada, the country’s environmental department, have forced the agency to trim some of its wastewater monitoring programs and water conservation efforts, among others, Postmedia News reported. Tens of thousands of refugees in a South Sudanese camp must be relocated immediately to escape life-threatening water shortages and diseases, the international aid […]


The Stream, December 6: Canada to Pull Out of Kyoto Protocol

Canada won’t renew its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol after it expires in 2012, The Globe and Mail reported, citing Canada’s environment minister. Peru’s president gave the military and police extraordinary powers to put an end to 11 days of environmental protests against a $4.8 billion gold mine project in the country, Reuters reported. While […]


Canada’s water woes worsen

CANADA – With six per cent of the world’s “renewable” fresh water, Canada has the third largest collection of fresh water, after Brazil and Russia. But the map doesn’t tell all. And 60 per cent of Canada’s fresh water drains northward, away from where it is needed most — along the band hugging the U.S. […]


Canada’s water woes worsen

CANADA – With six per cent of the world’s “renewable” fresh water, Canada has the third largest collection of fresh water, after Brazil and Russia. But the map doesn’t tell all. And 60 per cent of Canada’s fresh water drains northward, away from where it is needed most — along the band hugging the U.S. […]