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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, March 12: Irrawaddy Dolphins Threatened by Hydropower Project on the Mekong River

Hydropower Environmental groups have raised concerns that the population of Irawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River—which now consists of an estimated 85 individuals—will disappear if construction of a dam on the river is completed, Time reported. A report from the World Wildlife Fund says that explosions during the dam’s construction could kill dolphins in the […]


The Stream, August 17: Has Work Resumed on Laos’ Mekong Dam?

Despite assurances from Laos that work on its controversial Xayaburi dam on the Mekong River would halt pending further impact studies, the Thai developer building the dam said yesterday that construction has continued, Reuters reported. A drought affecting 11 provinces in Cambodia has damaged 4,811 hectares (11,888 acres) of rice seedlings and threatens 101,365 hectares […]


The Stream, March 8: Damming the Mekong

Dams on the tributaries of the Mekong River could have a bigger negative effect on fish biodiversity and food security than the hydropower stations on the main river, new research shows, according to the journal Nature. Extreme weather and climate change signal the emergence of a new normal that increases the risks at the intersections […]