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316 search results for: solar power


The Stream, February 2: Pakistan Invests in Solar Water Treatment to Bring Water to Desert

The Global Rundown Pakistan is using solar power to improve drinking water in its desert regions. The United Kingdom is banning fracking in a large area previously open to development, while groundwater pollution concerns are surfacing in California and Minnesota. China released a new rural policy for 2015, including plans for water infrastructure development. The […]


Report: U.S. EPA Has Chance to Vastly Reduce Water Pollution from Power Plants

EPA proposes tougher federal wastewater guidelines, while electricity generation turns from coal to gas. Photo courtesy of Brent Moore via Flickr Creative Commons A 2008 coal-ash pond failure at the Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee spilled 4.1 million cubic meters (5.4 million cubic yards) of wet coal ash into surrounding communities. While the EPA’s proposed […]


Economics and Water Concerns Alter the Solar Landscape in the US West

The falling price of photovoltaic panels and public concerns about aquifers and rivers in the western United States are boosting solar energy technologies that save water. In December, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) approved a 300-megawatt (MW) solar energy project on public land in southwestern Arizona on condition that the developer changes the […]


The Stream, November 17: Water Use in U.S. Power Plants

Coal-fired plants account for 67 percent of the freshwater withdrawals by the power sector in the United States and for 65 percent of the sector’s water consumption, according to a new report from the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative that probes the freshwater use by U.S. power facilities. Contributors to President Barack […]