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782 search results for: Canada


The Stream, May 8: Delhi Water Minister Ousted Amid Controversy

The Global Rundown Government officials in India fired the Delhi water minister — a move he claims was politically motivated. The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recused himself from legal cases involving the Clean Water Rule. Flooding in Quebec has affected more than 100 Canadian cities in the past week. Residents of Bengaluru, […]


The Stream, May 4: Unpaid Water Bills Could Foreclose Homes In Flint

The Global Rundown Residents of Flint, Michigan who have delinquent water accounts could face home foreclosure if they do not pay, despite concerns about lead. Violence between ranchers and herders in Kenya stems from historical land conflicts, not just drought, conservationists say. Cape Town, South Africa is still working to avert water cuts as its […]


Federal Water Tap, April 17: EPA Pauses Rule that Restricts Power Plants from Dumping Toxic Metals into Rivers

The Rundown EPA administrator postpones the implementation date for rule to keep arsenic, mercury, and other power plant toxics from rivers, while also beginning a separate process to repeal or modify existing regulations. EPA inspector general says that the agency needs better health warnings for people who eat contaminated fish. An energy company wants to […]


The Stream, March 29: Pakistan Climate Change Law Depends On Implementation Measures

The Global Rundown The success of Pakistan’s new Climate Change Act, meant to address floods and other climate disasters, will depend on the government’s ability to implement policies and projects on the ground, experts say. Canada announced more than a dozen water infrastructure projects to tackle chronic drinking water advisories in Ontario. Local activists in […]


Federal Water Tap, March 27: Two Wins for the Pipeline Industry

The Rundown The Trump administration issues a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. A U.S. district court rejects lawsuit that claimed that a federal energy regulator is biased toward pipeline industry. An Oroville Dam review board says spillway repairs may not be completed by the next rainy season. A Senate committee holds a hearing on […]


Trump Proposal to Fix U.S. Water Infrastructure Invites Large Role for Private Investors

Private-public partnerships, a potential funding source, are complicated and controversial. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue President Donald Trump, fashioning himself the builder-in-chief, promised to invest $US 1 trillion to make America’s potholed highways, unstable bridges, leaky water systems, strained ports, and brittle levees whole again. The pledge is more a slogan at this point. […]


The Stream, March 3: Major EPA Budget Cuts Loom for Water Programs

The Global Rundown Tentative budget numbers appear to enact massive cuts to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several of its major water programs, including the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The Great Lakes Commission says the region needs nearly $2 billion to maintain safe water systems, while in California, state data show that nearly 1 […]