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423 search results for: bottled water


The Stream, January 18: Famine Risk In Somalia As Drought Cuts Food Security

The Global Rundown Drought and conflict could once again tip Somalia into famine, according to the United Nations and early warning agencies. An outbreak of typhoid in Zimbabwe’s capital has highlighted the city’s water and sanitation problems. A growing demand for lithium, used for products like electric car batteries, could pressure water supplies in the […]


The Stream, October 7: Haiti Cholera Cases May Spike

The Global Rundown The number of cholera cases in Haiti is expected to rise steeply through the end of the year in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. As the storm moves up the coast of the southeastern United States, flooding and storm surge could cause billions of dollars in damage. Switching to low-carbon infrastructure within […]


The Stream, August 4: Millions of U.S. Homes At Risk From Sea Level Rise

The Global Rundown Rising sea levels could flood nearly 2 million homes in coastal cities across the United States by the end of the century. Heavy rainfall in Maharashtra forced dam operators to release water and issue flood warnings for areas of Pune. State officials in North Carolina misinformed residents about drinking water contamination near […]


The Stream, April 25: Coral Reef Discovered At Mouth of Amazon River

The Global Rundown Scientists found a massive coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon River, where oil exploration is already taking place. Saudi Arabia fired its water minister amid a public backlash against rising water prices. An iron ore mine in Brazil is still leaking tailings from containment dams, according to a prosecutor. A […]


The Stream, February 3: India To Borrow Billions To Finance Irrigation

The Global Rundown India plans to secure billions of dollars in loans from international banks to improve its irrigation systems and protect its agricultural sector from climate change. Lebanon is struggling with an ineffective garbage system that threatens its drinking water and air quality, while Zimbabwe’s capital is seeing a sharp increase in bottled water […]


The Stream, June 23: Wet Weather Beats Back Drought in U.S. Plains

The Global Rundown Floods in the U.S. Plains have helped lift a drought in the region, and wet weather is here to stay. Atlanta, Georgia is greatly expanding its emergency water supply, Nairobi, Kenya, is experimenting with water ATMs, and Florida environmental groups are suing the state over conservation budgets. A Canada-based water company recalled […]