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530 search results for: Bureau of Reclamation


Federal Water Tap, October 13: Large Dam Proposed for Alaska

A private company has filed paperwork to prepare plans for a large hydroelectric dam in Alaska. Glacial Energy LLC, based in Wasilla, Alaska, is seeking a preliminary permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a 113-meter (370-foot) high dam on the Talkeetna River, some 177 kilometers (110 miles) north of Anchorage. The permit allows […]


Federal Water Tap, October 6: EPA Regulations Provide Inadequate Protection against Hazardous Chemicals in Waterways

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations are insufficient for guarding against pesticides, heavy metals, solvents, and other hazardous chemicals being put into waterways from sewage treatment plants, according to an investigation by the agency’s internal watchdog. Hazardous chemicals come under two sets of regulations. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) applies to most circumstances, and […]


Federal Water Tap, September 22: America’s Spies Warn of Water and Climate Risks

The potential for violence, conflict, and government upheaval arising from natural resource scarcity and a warming planet continues to catch the eye of America’s top spooks. “Competition for scarce resources, such as food, water, or energy, will likely increase tensions within and between states and could lead to more localized or regional conflicts, or exacerbate […]


Federal Water Tap, September 1: EPA Criticizes Restoration Plan for California’s Water Hub

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criticized a $US 25 billion water supply and ecosystem restoration plan for California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, saying that the plan would violate federal Clean Water Act standards for water quality and may not produce the desired habitat improvements. The delta is the largest estuary on the U.S. west coast and […]


Federal Water Tap, August 4: Western U.S. Water Legislation Introduced and Agreements Signed

New legislation proposes that the federal government spend $US 700 million over five years to subsidize the purchase of appliances, fixtures, and related products that save water and energy. Introduced by four western U.S. congressional representatives, the Water in the 21st Century Act includes several other provisions. The bill establishes a grant program for helping […]