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515 search results for: choke point


Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy

RED BLUFF, California – Stakeholders in dam profits watch with anxiety as an environmental lawsuit that would remove the Red Bluff diversion dam nears conclusion. The Red Bluff diversion dam provides water during the summer to boaters and farmers, but interrupts the steadily declining salmon run. “Obviously the writing is on the wall that operation […]


Dam Projects Historically Controversial in California

CALIFORNIA – On the West Coast of the United States, convincing people to support dam construction remains a historically laborious feat. As California endures drought conditions and struggles to find ways to stay hydrated, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Senator Dianne Feinstein are proposing a $9.3 million bond for water that includes the construction of new […]


New York’s Gas Rush Poses Environmental Threat

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica On May 29 New York state’s top environmental officials assured state lawmakers that plans to drill for natural gas near the watershed that supplies New York City’s drinking water posed little danger. A survey of other states had found “not one instance of drinking water contamination” from the water-intensive, horizontal drilling […]


Dam Plan for Grand Coulee

SPOKANE, Washington – Washington’s Department of Ecology has released a new environmental study of an ambitious plan to make more Grand Coulee Dam water available for farms, towns and fish in Eastern Washington. The study of the largest new influx of water in three decades from Lake Roosevelt, the reservoir behind Grand Coulee in central […]


Water Relief for Columbia Basin

SEATTLE — Legislation to provide the largest new influx of water to towns and farms in the Columbia Basin in three decades was signed Thursday by Gov. Chris Gregoire. The bill will allow Lake Roosevelt, behind Grand Coulee Dam, to be drawn down an additional 82,500 acre-feet a year and as much as 132,000 acre-feet […]


Dam Experiment Gives Life to River

SALT LAKE CITY — For a few days Grand Canyon National Park’s chief of science and resource management, Martha Hahn, floated down mile after mile of Colorado River, marveling at aquatic habitat and shoreline that looked and acted like the Glen Canyon Dam never existed. Read more here. Source : Deseret Morning News


A “Grand” Flush for Colorado River

PAGE, AZ — Four arcs of water unleashed from a dam coursed through the Grand Canyon on Wednesday, March 5, in a flood meant to mimic the natural ones that used to nourish the ecosystem by spreading sediment, the Associated Press reports.More than 300,000 gallons of water per second were released from Lake Powell above the dam […]