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1346 search results for: California Drought


Federal Water Tap, May 23: U.S. Senators Worry About Local Water Problems

The Rundown Senator letters support the idea that politics and water are local. A House committee introduces a big water resources bill. The EPA revises the drinking water health standard for a nonstick chemical. The Supreme Court rejects an Exxon groundwater contamination appeal. The House Natural Resources Committee discusses three water settlements. The USGS studies […]


America’s Water Infrastructure Requires New Mindset

Trust, cooperate, and innovate for safe water and thriving communities. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue America’s substantial water challenges are not secret any longer. Cities poisoned by lead-contaminated drinking water and toxic algae, along with crippling droughts and dwindling groundwater reserves, make it increasingly clear that the nation’s water systems urgently require an overhaul. […]


Federal Water Tap, May 16: Army Corps Denies Permit for Washington Coal Export Terminal

The Rundown Because of tribal fishing rights, the Army Corps denies a permit for a proposed coal export terminal in Washington state. Bills on California drought, Colorado River, and western water issues are before the Senate Energy Committee. The Senate, meanwhile, passed a water and energy spending bill. The State Department is reviewing a desalinated […]


Federal Water Tap, February 29: Mexico Settles Rio Grande Water Debt

The Rundown Mexico complies with bilateral treaty on sharing Rio Grande water. Congress sets the terms for Flint water aid, but a few senators delay approval. House committee discusses California drought while a Senate committee praises/condemns the Interior Department budget. Canada and the United States agree to cut phosphorus in Lake Erie. A federal appeals […]


Federal Water Tap, February 15: Obama Budget Proposal Highlights Water Technology Innovation

The Rundown President Obama makes his budget pitch. California senator introduces (another) drought bill. The White House defers to Congress for Flint funding but does look to expand Medicaid for affected families. Spy agency chiefs testify about national security risks. Texas representatives try to exempt a proposed reservoir from Clean Water Act permitting. The research […]


The Most Important Water Stories of 2015

Climate risk and energy development, groundwater and conflict — the political awareness of water grew in 2015. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue California’s continuing drought emergency was one of the big water stories of 2015. Click image to enlarge. By Peter Gleick Pacific Institute Brett Walton Circle of Blue Water was […]


Federal Water Tap, January 25: EPA Regional Administrator Resigns over Flint Water Crisis

The Rundown A change in leadership at EPA Region 5. Obama talks with Flint mayor and directs federal money for water infrastructure improvements. EPA begins internal investigation over Flint response. 2015 was the hottest year on record. Communities get $US 1 billion for climate resiliency. Great Lakes has no surplus water, report says. Republicans call […]


2015 Biggest Trends: Water Scarcity Rises to Top Global Concern

After a year of deep droughts, worsening pollution, rising sea levels, and floods, water was finally recognized as perilous to nations and the international economy. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue JOHANNESBURG — In the last days of 2015, the Famine Early Warning System Network, a forecasting tool, reported that the deepest drought experienced by […]