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515 search results for: choke point


Talks Dry-up Over Lake Lanier

GAINESVILLE, FL — The weekend announcement that the talks between Georgia, Florida and Alabama over an 18-year impasse on water issues have broken down gives little indication as to what is next in the battle between the states. The negotiators for the three states and the federal government, as well as representatives of Georgia Power […]


Western States Consider New Dams

SPOKANE, WA — The Western states’ booming population and growing fears about climate change have governments studying construction of new dams to capture more winter rain and spring snowmelt for use in dry summer months. Ironically, consideration of new dams comes even as older ones are being torn down across the country because of environmental […]


Keith Schneider: Senior Editor and Chief Correspondent

Keith manages story development for Circle of Blue. As senior editor and chief correspondent for our Global Choke Point project, Keith has reported on the intensifying confrontation between water, food, and energy from five continents. Keith holds a BA from Haverford College, and he is a nationally known journalist, online communications specialist, and environmental policy […]