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515 search results for: choke point


The Stream, May 14, 2021: Brazil’s Palm Oil Industry Causing Water Contamination on Indigenous Land

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Despite claiming not to cause environmental harm, Brazil’s palm oil industry is leading to mass deforestation and water contamination. Canada’s Ministry of Environment will track algae blooms throughout British Columbia. A collapsed frac pond in Texas releases more than 3 million gallons of water. A Canadian environmental group is asking the Ministry […]


Federal Water Tap, April 19: Senate to Debate Water Infrastructure Bill This Week

The Rundown The Senate majority leader indicates he wants action on a water infrastructure bill this week. House Democrats introduce a bill to remove lead pipes from public and federally subsidized housing. California Democrats propose federal funds for repairing canals damaged by subsidence. The Interior secretary revokes a dozen Trump-era energy orders. Forecasters see low […]


Federal Water Tap, May 26: EPA Administrator Talks PFAS, Groundwater in Senate Hearing

The Rundown EPA Administrator Wheeler answered questions about key water issues during a Senate hearing. President Trump orders federal agencies to consider relaxing regulations to boost the economy in response to the coronavirus pandemic. NOAA forecasts an active Atlantic hurricane season. Senate Democrats press the EPA for details on PFAS contamination at Superfund sites. An […]


Federal Water Tap, February 17: Planet’s Hottest January Ever Measured, NOAA Finds

The Rundown Water legislation introduced in Congress targets microplastic pollution, faulty septic systems, and buckled canals in California. The GAO recommends incorporating climate change planning into federally funded drinking water and sewer projects. The National Weather Service signals higher than normal flood risk this spring for the eastern Missouri River basin. Federal agencies are scheduled […]