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3450 search results for: drought


Texas Legislature Discusses Drought, Water Planning, Reservoirs

Consecutive hot, dry years have Texas lawmakers pondering billions of dollars in water projects. Photo © Brett Walton/Circle of Blue Billions of dollars for water projects in Texas are on the table during the current legislative session. State lawmakers are debating how to fund the state’s water plan, which would total $US 53 billion in […]


The Stream, January 16: Droughts and Floods Pose Public Health Risks

Public Health Floods linked to climate change, along with the increased trade of certain goods, have played an important role in the expansion of dengue fever-causing mosquitoes, AlertNet reported. Dengue is now the fastest-spreading tropical disease in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Severe drought conditions in the United States last summer […]


The Stream, October 4: Vivid Fall Foliage a Hidden Drought Benefit

Conditions are ideal this year for brilliant fall foliage, National Geographic reported. Moderate drought can actually boost concentrations of anthocyanins – the natural pigments that color several tree species. Drought Damage Florida governor Rick Scott said his state needs more water from Georgia to boost levels in the Apalachicola Bay and relieve the state’s oyster […]


Ruinous Drought Tests Kansas Model for Supplying Water to Farms

As the 2012 drought smothers the Great Plains, Kansas water laws — written to steady the economy, ecology, and use — are actually working. Image courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture A grain elevator looms over a railroad crossing in Prescott, Kansas. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts that corn yields in Kansas this year […]


Florida Oyster Harvest Suffers As Drought Intensifies Water Battle with Georgia and Alabama

The drought that set upon the United States this year has tightened a three-state tug-of-war over fresh water, affecting marine life and a valuable fishing economy downstream in the Deep South’s Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, the most biodiverse river system in North America.


Infographic: A Drought and Water Policy Timeline for Georgia

It is not clear whether any of the new policy, planning, and supply initiatives are making a difference. Georgia’s latest deep drought is not only challenging the resolve of state residents, it is also testing measures that Georgia has taken since a devastating dry spell in 2007, including new laws, a new planning process, and […]