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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, November 28: Desperate, Displaced Afghan Families Marry Off Children to Survive Drought

The Global Rundown Desperate Afghan families begin marrying off young children to help survive the country’s severe drought. The UN World Meteorological Organization says there is a 75-80 percent chance of an El Niño weather event occurring by February. Thousands of drought-resistant trees are planted in the Lake Chad Region to combat climate change. Impoverished […]


The Stream, November 20: Egypt and Ethiopia Reopen Talks on Contentious Dam

The Global Rundown Egypt and Ethiopia announce another round of talks on the contentious Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Drought-tolerant juniper trees begin to die unexpectedly in parched Utah. Tropical depression Toraji triggers flash floods and landslides in central Vietnam. Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister pledges an extra $500 million for water infrastructure projects. The Central Arizona […]


The Stream, November 9: Invasive Species Consume Huge Amounts of South Africa’s Water, Study Shows

The Global Rundown Invasive species in South Africa consume shocking amounts of water. African island states call for help in combating the health effects of climate change, including a rise in water-related illnesses. California voters reject a $9 billion water bond in the U.S. midterm elections. Pope Francis says water is a basic human right, […]