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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, August 22: Droughts Hit Europe

Polluted drinking water may have sickened more than 1,000 people in an Egyptian town, though official government estimates say only 56 people were affected, the Egypt Independent reported. The incident sparked protests. The United Nations Green Climate Fund Board will meet August 23 for the first time to lay the groundwork for how the $US […]


U.S. Drought Recap, August 6-10

Government reports show the U.S. is still hot and dry. Rain Nearly a quarter of the land in the Lower 48 states is in an “extreme” or “exceptional” drought—the two most severe categories—according to the August 7 update to the U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly collaboration between federal, state and academic scientists. Last year at […]


The Stream, August 6: U.S. Drought Expands to 64 Percent

Drought Drought has reached 64 percent of the area of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, making conditions the worst since the Drought Monitor began in 2000, UPI reported, citing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Wildfires induced by extreme heat and drought have devastated dozens of homes in Oklahoma, according to Read Circle of […]


Federal Water Tap, August 6: Drought, Oil Spill, Infrastructure

Before adjourning for a five-week vacation, the House of Representatives passed a US$383 million drought-relief bill, the Hill reports. To pay for it, farmland conservation programs will be cut. Critics say that this is short-sighted because these programs protect, among others things, the soil’s ability to hold moisture. “If Congress is serious about assisting farmers […]


Watching World Droughts and Food Stocks

The world food situation isn’t looking good right now. squeezing agricultural production in Italy’s Po River delta and continue to cause food insecurity in the Horn of Africa (more on that coming up soon at Circle of Blue.) Furthermore, the poor performance of monsoon rains is pushing India toward drought. India relies on the monsoon […]


The Stream, August 2: U.S. Drought Linked to Climate Change?

Scientists are trying to understand whether the drought that has scorched much of the United States this summer is a cut their water consumption, according to EnergyWire. A new study reveals an astronomical Climate change and a mining boom threaten to disrupt Mongolia’s economy, according to New Security Beat. A agriculture and the energy industry […]


The Stream, July 27: Is India Facing Drought?

A new study found that only 30 percent of Arctic sea ice loss in the last few decades can be attributed to natural causes, meaning the remaining monsoon rains fall 22 percent below average, Reuters reported. Water shortages have contributed to 300 millimeters of rain (11.8 inches), Xinhua reported. Meanwhile, two 35-mile tunnels to divert […]


The Stream, July 23: Looking Ahead As U.S. Drought Persists

The U.S. drought could last through October, prolonged by potential El Niño conditions, according to Reuters and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center. Corn and soybean prices have reached record highs, with corn at more than $8.07 a bushel and soybeans up to $17.49, threatening a “world food crisis” if conditions persist, UPI […]


The Birth of a Drought Report: Behind the Scenes with the People Who Produce the U.S. Drought Monitor

Drought blankets much of the United States. Each week, hundreds of scientists interpret how bad it really is. Image courtesy US Drought Monitor Since 1999, the U.S. Drought Monitor has provided a weekly snapshot of dry conditions, using a numerical rating system like those for tornadoes and hurricanes. Ten authors from federal and academic research […]