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3450 search results for: drought


This Is What Extreme Drought Looks Like, On a Graph

The Arkansas River in western Kansas is flowing at less than 1 percent of normal. Just after it crosses the Colorado border into western Kansas, the Arkansas River is barely flowing, as this streamflow graph from the U.S. Geological Survey shows. The Arkansas River barely deserves the name right now. As this graph from the […]


The Stream, July 17: Drought in the United States

Low water levels in the Mississippi River have prompted salt water to move up the river from the Gulf of Mexico, Associated Press reported. The Army Corps of Engineers says that salt water is not yet a threat to water supplies in the New Orleans area. Indianapolis and some of its suburbs have seen about […]


Droughts Hit World’s Agricultural Regions: Without Water, U.S. Corn Crop Faces Setbacks

Droughts have struck food-producing regions in the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, and South Korea, raising the prospect of higher commodity prices and localized food shortages. Photo courtesy of cindy47452 via Flickr Creative Commons A drought in the Midwest United States threatens what could be a record corn crop. U.S. farmers planted 39 million […]


The Stream, July 10: U.S. Drought and World Food Prices

Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in Pennsylvania could put water supplies at risk, according to a new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The drought and heat in the major maize and soybean producing regions of the United States could drive up world food prices in the coming months, […]


Lessons Learned? How Drought Has Shaped Water Policy in Georgia

Just as it was five years ago, a record-breaking drought is evident in Georgia. But has the state become more resilient through changes to water management policies? Photo © Chris Drummond/Flint Riverkeeper Spider lilies fill the banks of the upper Flint River, near Thomaston, Georgia. Alabama and Florida also share the river basin, which the […]


The Stream, June 19: Severe Drought Hits North Korea

A severe drought has gripped one of North Korea’s breadbasket provinces, raising fears of a worsening food crisis, AFP reported. The country suffers chronic food shortages, often exacerbated by floods, droughts, mismanagement and dwindling international aid. Ensuring food supplies for China’s growing population and economy is expected to be a key goal for Chinese Premier […]


The Stream, May 7: Drought Crisis in Africa’s Sahel

Greenland’s glaciers are not speeding up as much as previously thought and may be contributing “significantly less” to sea-level rise, according to new research published in the journal Science, the BBC reported. Europe Temperatures in Europe are set to rise between 0.4 degrees and 2.5 degrees Celsius in 2021-2050 compared to the 1960-1990 period, with […]


The Stream, April 16: Droughts in China and the United States

The Murray-Darling Draft Plan The Murray-Darling River Basin draft plan is likely to trigger another round of legal arguments over state water entitlements, according to Adelaide Now. The states of New South Wales and Victoria have rejected the plan — which recommends returning 2,750 gigaliters of water a year to the river system — arguing […]


The Stream, March 21: Drought, Fire, and Kenya’s Wildlife

Drought and Water Access A forest fire in China’s Yunnan province was brought under control Tuesday after burning for two days and coming within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of the provincial capital, Xinhua reported. The fire was linked to drought conditions that have plagued Yunnan for the past three years. The Guardian looks at the […]


The Stream, March 5: Severe Drought Grips Portugal

Water Shortages A severe drought in Portugal is ravaging pastures and threatening to worsen the country’s economic crisis, Reuters reported. Thousands of Texas rice farmers won’t get water for irrigation this year after the Lower Colorado River Authority said it won’t release water into the rivers and canals the farmers use for irrigation, AP reported. […]