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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, July 22: Djibouti Appeals For Help With Dire Drought

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it found piles of oil-soaked debris along the Yellowstone River as floodwater levels recede in Montana, UPI reported. Australian farming could increase output 70 percent by 2050 by using new technologies, but it faces growing competition for land from the mining sector, Reuters reported, citing Australian officials. Djibouti appealed […]


The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California’s 2007-2009 drought finds surprising outcomes for the state’s agriculture, energy and the environment. Here’s also a summary by The New York Times Green blog. The growing shale gas development could undermine the market for renewable energy, even as falling costs allow wind and solar to overtake fossil fuels […]


The Stream, June 16: Texas Drought

The worst Texas drought in more than a century may cripple the oil- and natural gas- drilling boom in the state as government officials are starting to ration the water supplies for energy exploration and hydraulic fracturing, Bloomberg reports. The shortage is intensifying the competition for water between the agriculture and energy industries, as power […]


The Stream, June 13: Drought in England

England experienced its driest spring in a century last month, leaving fields parched and many rivers at record low levels, the Guardian reported, citing the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Meanwhile, Scotland had its wettest spring on record for the period of March, April and May. Downpours in two of China’s drought-hit provinces have caused […]


Infographic: Interactive Timeline Mapping China’s Drought-ridden Provinces Since 2007

Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly persistent problem for China, with droughts affecting several regions over the last four years. This spring’s extreme weather is the latest in a series of water shortages, exposing the risks that limited freshwater resources pose for the world’s biggest agricultural producer, top energy consumer, and fastest-growing industrial economy. Click […]


The Stream, June 6: Heavy Rains Relieve China’s Drought

Heavy rainfall over the weekend has eased the effects of the prolonged drought in central and eastern China, Xinhua reports. The rains are expected to continue over the next few days. Meanwhile, spring rains and melting winter snowpack have caused heavy flooding in central South Dakota, threatening to raise the Missouri River to record levels, […]