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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, May 3: Wet Wipe Pollution Reshapes Riverbeds Across Britain

The Global Rundown Increasing contamination from wet wipes disrupts riverbeds in Britain. Rising sea levels threaten Florida’s Everglades and coastal communities. Los Angeles, California, looks for sustainable water solutions as the city’s major water sources decline. Flash floods in Somalia impact nearly 500,000 people. Drought spreads throughout the western U.S., raising fears of summer wildfires. […]


The Stream, May 1: Australia Persuades the UN to Cut Criticisms of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan from Report

The Global Rundown The Australian government persuades the United Nations to delete criticism of the Murray-Darling basin plan from a report on irrigation. Egypt hopes to speed up negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. A conservation group plans to formally challenge a Michigan decision to let Nestle withdraw groundwater from the state. The United […]


The Stream, April 18: Australia’s Northern Territory Lifts Fracking Ban on 700,000 sq km, Raising Concerns of Water Contamination

The Global Rundown Australia’s Northern Territory lifts a ban on hydraulic fracturing, opening up 700,000 square kilometers to gas exploration. Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh brace for the oncoming monsoon season. Four states in the Upper Colorado River Basin accuse Arizona of withdrawing too much water from the Colorado River. The India Meteorological Department predicts normal […]