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1346 search results for: California Drought


Water Expert Panel Discusses Causes and Implications of California Drought

California’s severe drought is forcing the nation’s largest state to reconcile old assumptions about water supply and management with the reality of long-term drying trends, declining groundwater, and polluted drinking water, according to an expert panel of scientists and journalists convened during a Circle of Blue interactive drought briefing conference call on February 13.


California Drought Saps Water Reserves Above and Below Ground, Says Satellite Data

Snow is scarce, reservoirs are approaching bottom, and groundwater is being exhausted in the nation’s most populous state. More than a dozen communities face water shortages in the next 60 to 100 days, and there will be zero water deliveries from the state’s largest canal system this year.


The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California’s 2007-2009 drought finds surprising outcomes for the state’s agriculture, energy and the environment. Here’s also a summary by The New York Times Green blog. The growing shale gas development could undermine the market for renewable energy, even as falling costs allow wind and solar to overtake fossil fuels […]


California Drought Turns Artist into Architect

SACRAMENTO — When Roberta Walker found herself reimagining her neighbors landscapes, she realized she needed to do more with her art than simply paint. Now Walker designs landscapes for sustainable lawns in California’s parched climate. “It’s very exciting. It’s like Vogue for landscapers,” she told News10. “I’m getting calls from all over. I’d love to […]


California drought forces farmers to take extreme action

CALIFORNIA – In the midst of the worst drought in 15 years, California farmers are taking drastic measures to save their crops and their livelihoods, Bloomberg reports. Even as Governor Schwarzenegger called for more water aid for agriculture, struggling farmers in the San Joaquin Valley have begun abandoning crops and spending millions on short term […]