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1030 search results for: Colorado River


The Stream, February 1, 2019: With Deadline Looming, Arizona Passes Colorado River Drought Plan

The Global Rundown Arizona approves a Colorado River drought contingency plan on the eve of the federal deadline. A royal commission into Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin Plan finds evidence of maladministration, negligence, and unlawful actions. Brazilian mining company Vale shuts down 10 dams similar to the structure that collapsed last Friday. Three nonprofit groups sue the […]


The Stream, November 7: Arizona Cities Request More Water Ahead of Possible Colorado River Drought

The Global Rundown Arizona cities stockpile water in anticipation of a future Colorado River drought. Villagers in Bangladesh use geology to avoid arsenic-polluted groundwater. A new study explores the link between water scarcity and human migration in the Mediterranean region. Data shows that pollution from pharmaceutical drugs concentrates in stream bugs, which then spread the […]


The Stream, August 17: Colorado River Cutbacks Possible by 2020, Federal Report Warns

The Global Rundown A newly-released U.S. federal report warns that water cutbacks in the southwestern United States could occur by 2020 as Colorado River water levels fall. Bushfire season begins early in parched Australia. Lead in U.S. Army bases is poisoning service members’ children, a new report claims. Delhi, India, neglects traditional rainwater harvesting amid its […]


Federal Water Tap, May 14: Colorado River Forecast Shows Greater Risk of Shortage

The Rundown Drying of the American Southwest continues, while Great Lakes water levels are above normal. Senators introduce a bipartisan water infrastructure bill. The EPA cancels a proposed groundwater pollution rule and decides not to revise water quality standards for swimming. Federal health researchers outline the first phase of a perfluorinated chemicals health study on […]


The Stream, August 14: U.S. and Mexico Finalize Colorado River Water-Sharing Agreement

The Global Rundown The United States and Mexico finalize a water-sharing deal for the Colorado River. Drought in Ethiopia jeopardizes the lives of pastoralists as millions of livestock die or fall ill. Alberta, Canada is facing its most severe water shortages since 2001. New research shows that cholera vaccines are effective for adults but provide […]


Federal Water Tap, November 7: Colorado River Flood Builds Grand Canyon Sandbars

The Rundown Floodwaters will push through the Grand Canyon this week as dam operators release water upstream to build beaches. The Obama administration reevaluates the Dakota Access pipeline route. Hurricane Matthew wrecked protective sand dunes on the southern Atlantic coast. San Diego’s biggest wastewater facility gets an EPA pollution waiver. The U.S. Department of Agriculture […]