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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, March 30, 2022: New Technology Could Solve Solar Energy’s Water Problem

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Experts say mismanagement of resources could plunge Morocco into a water crisis as climate change worsens. Cameroon faces its most recent cholera outbreak. Michigan lawmakers pass a major spending bill, including billions for water infrastructure. Australian officials propose a major damming project that has been met with intense criticism for bypassing standard […]


The Stream, March 23, 2022: Can African Nations Meet WASH Goals?

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Africa is not on track to meet global goals for water access, sanitation, and hygiene. Islamist militants are attacking water infrastructure in Burkina Faso. A new report concludes the United States has not met the goals of decades old legislation meant to keep waterways clean. More than half of the United States […]