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84 search results for: nestle


The Stream, May 1: Australia Persuades the UN to Cut Criticisms of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan from Report

The Global Rundown The Australian government persuades the United Nations to delete criticism of the Murray-Darling basin plan from a report on irrigation. Egypt hopes to speed up negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. A conservation group plans to formally challenge a Michigan decision to let Nestle withdraw groundwater from the state. The United […]


The Stream, April 4: Cape Town Pushes Day Zero to 2019 As Dams Fill

The Global Rundown Cape Town moves Day Zero to 2019 as dams levels begin to rise. Scientists predict the impact of future global warming on food security. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says flood insurance premiums will rise again in 2018. Cities across Libya are experiencing water shortages, forcing residents to dig for […]


The Stream, March 1: Papua New Guinea Earthquake Flattens Villages, Dirties Water Sources

The Global Rundown A magnitude 7.5 earthquake flattens villages and spoils water sources in Papua New Guinea. A delayed disaster relief loan threatens to disrupt essential services in hurricane-hit Puerto Rico. Cape Town’s homeless population struggles to find water amid tightening usage restrictions. Mexico City works to improve its water supply, air quality, and earthquake […]


The Stream, December 22: Floods, Droughts, and Other Disasters Could Drive One Million Migrants to Europe Each Year by 2100

The Global Rundown A United States federal judge rules that groups can continue their lawsuit with the EPA over drinking water fluoridation. California regulators claim that Nestle lacks the valid permits to withdraw spring water from the San Bernardino National Forest. India introduces an anti-smog water cannon to help fight pollution in New Delhi. Heavy […]


The Stream, November 24: Landfill Waste Threatens Groundwater In Senegal

The Global Rundown Leachate from waste dumped outside of Senegal’s capital, Dakar, may be polluting the city’s groundwater. A late-season hurricane is expected to make landfall in Central America today, triggering floods and landslides. The expansion of an iron ore mine in Western Australia may cause groundwater levels to decline and affect streams in a […]


The Stream, November 11: India Supreme Court Rules States Must Share Water

The Global Rundown A decision by India’s Supreme Court invalidated a Punjab law that rescinded its river-sharing agreements with neighboring states. At the same time, Punjab is contending with declining groundwater levels that put its dairy industry at risk. Millions of dollars meant to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change were returned to donors after […]


2016 Election: Water on the Ballot

Voters choose measures on bottled water regulation, government spending, and more. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Clinton v. Trump is the main draw for the November 8 election, but down the ballot voters in several states will be asked to approve or reject policies and spending measures that affect water supplies. California residents, for […]


The Stream, August 23: Groundwater Pumping Linked To Arsenic Contamination In Southeast Asia

The Global Rundown Water supplies contaminated with high levels of arsenic are linked to a decline in groundwater levels in Southeast Asia, especially near major cities, a new study found. Climate change poses the biggest challenge yet for preserving national parks in the United States, where the National Park Service celebrates its 100th birthday this […]


The Stream, June 27: Drip Irrigation, Record Digitization, and Potential Waterways Legislation

The Global Rundown Utah’s Great Salt Lake is quickly disappearing, and irrigation in a select group of small Paraguayan farms is getting more efficient one drop at a time. New Jersey students are digitizing water records, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recording lead levels in children. Californians continue fighting Nestle over water pumping in the […]


The Stream, October 14: Pennsylvania Fracking Contamination Came From Surface Spills, Study Finds

The Global Rundown Well water contamination near some hydraulic fracturing sites in Pennsylvania came from surface spills, not from chemicals injected into the ground, a new study found. A growing percentage of Americans believe in climate science, according to a recent survey. China completed a major hydropower project in Tibet, and water experts warned that […]