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3450 search results for: drought


Climate Chaos Reveals Pattern: Africa’s Sahel Region Faces Recurrent Megadroughts

When in 1968 Garrett Hardin published in the Science journal his “Tragedy of the Commons” – the dilemma in which individuals self-interestedly exploit and destroy shared resources – Africa’s Sahel region had already endured a major heat stroke in the drought of 1914. Starting in 1968, the Sahel Belt broiled in a decades-long drought that […]


Australia Summit: Droughts and a Verbal Heat Wave

As droughts are hot on Australia’s heels, Maude Barlow – the United Nations senior advisor on water issues – heated up the pressure on the country’s government on Tuesday at the 5th Annual Australian Water Summit. She criticized the Australian cabinet for its management of the deepening water crisis, saying that ordinary Australians and farmers […]


Digital Drought: Australia’s Future on Fire in Acclaimed Media Project

Australia’s drought remains severe, but the award-winning interactive drama project, Scorched, offers a searing reality check for Australians nationwide. The year is 2012 and Sydney, facing raging bushfires, is finally out of water. As politicians, journalists, and ordinary citizens race to save their country, the project urges real Australians to join the not-so-fantastical fiction. Using […]


Worldwide Drought May Soon Knock on Britain’s Door

Facing severe water shortages, England now offers its citizens less water than Egypt and might one day grow as thirsty as Australia. A new report by the Environment Agency, a public body for protecting the environment in England and Wales, calls for strict water use controls in Britain. Climate change threatens to dry up much […]