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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, December 25: Tropical Storm in Philippines Kills Over Two Hundred, Displaces Thousands

The Global Rundown Officials in Bangkok, Thailand, attempt to move illegal slums, which are worsening the city’s flooding issues. Heavy boat traffic in Panama’s Bocas Del Toro Archipelago threatens the habitat of the area’s bottlenose dolphins. Lab-bred super corals could avert the destruction of the world’s coral reefs, scientists claim. Another tropical storm ravages the […]


The Stream, December 22: Floods, Droughts, and Other Disasters Could Drive One Million Migrants to Europe Each Year by 2100

The Global Rundown A United States federal judge rules that groups can continue their lawsuit with the EPA over drinking water fluoridation. California regulators claim that Nestle lacks the valid permits to withdraw spring water from the San Bernardino National Forest. India introduces an anti-smog water cannon to help fight pollution in New Delhi. Heavy […]


The Stream, December 21: Canada Plans to Tap Coastal Waters in Offshore Drilling Expansion

The Global Rundown A section of Alaska’s Kenai River fails to meet water quality standards after high boat traffic muddies the waterway. Warming ocean temperatures double snowfall in North America’s mountain ranges, a study finds. Canada considers offshore oil drilling amid pipeline leaks and other issues. The Yemen conflict bypasses the 1,000-day mark as access […]


The Stream, December 20: Karachi, Pakistan Gripped by Water Shortages as “Mafia” Steals the City’s Water Supply

The Global Rundown Niagara Falls may receive $20 million to replace its aging sewage treatment plant, which overflowed multiple times this year. Drought threatens to devastate South Africa’s 2018 wine harvest. Residents of Karachi, Pakistan, struggle to get water as the water mafia sells nearly half of the city’s supply. A French company lobbies to […]


The Stream, December 18: Thousands of Gallons of Fuel Spill into Oregon’s North Santiam River

The Global Rundown Tropical Storm Kai-Tak makes landfall in the Philippines, causing flooding and heavy rains. Hong Kong researchers work to develop a super-bacteria that can clean up the large amount of waste water produced by China’s textile industry. The U.S. and Mexico deliberate over the final part of the Colorado Basin’s new drought plan. […]


The Stream, December 13: Indian State Officials Assert Chinese Construction Projects are Polluting Brahmaputra River

The Global Rundown Researchers reveal a new satellite-based drought monitoring tool that accounts for groundwater levels. Cholera resurges in Lusaka, Zambia, and is expected to worsen as the rainy season begins. Officials in northeast India claim Chinese construction projects are polluting the Brahmapurta River. Countless trees in the American West are expected to die as […]


The Stream, November 30: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Thousands of Historic Sites on U.S. East Coast

The Global Rundown Hydropower projects in the Balkans increase by 300 percent, endangering rivers and wildlife. Rising sea levels along the U.S. East Coast threaten historic sites such as the White House and early colonial settlements. The Red Cross moves to provide fuel for pumping water and sanitation in desperate Yemeni cities. A tropical cycle […]