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1442 search results for: china, water


Air Pollution: Eastern China Becomes A Smoker’s Lounge

Did you miss Circle of Blue’s reporting on how cleaning up the power sector – namely coal – and reducing energy demand would clear the air and provide water benefits? Not to worry; Brett Walton gives an update on the current smog situation and how a recent report may provide solutions.


The Stream, December 9: China Is Not Prepared for Climate Change, Government Says

Climate Change Despite some actions to improve ecosystem resiliency and guard against more severe weather, China remains largely unprepared to protect its people and infrastructure—such as energy and water supplies—from climate change, according to a report from the country’s National Development and Reform Commission, Reuters reported. The commission said public knowledge of climate threats and […]


The Stream, December 2: Foreign Investment in Water for Australia’s ‘Food Bowl’

Foreign investment is needed to develop dams and irrigation in Australia’s north in order to turn the region into a “food bowl” providing exports for other countries, according to economists, Bloomberg News reported. However, the Australian public is wary of large agricultural investments by foreign companies—deals that many see as giving up control of the […]


The Stream, November 20: Debate Over Bottled Water Safety

Bottled Water With sales of bottled water in China expected to reach $US 16 billion by 2017, some economists worry that government involvement in the industry may encourage lower safety standards as local authorities compete to attract investment, Business Insider reported. China recently announced reforms aimed at cleaning up its food and water supplies. An […]


The Stream, November 18: China Says Environment Will Be Bigger Priority

Pollution New reforms revealed by China last week point to a shift in priorities that puts more emphasis on issues like environmental protection, rather than economic growth “at all costs”, Reuters reported. In an effort to clean up the country’s water and air, the Chinese government said it will hold local authorities responsible for pollution, […]


The Stream, October 22: China’s Unrelenting Hydropower Growth

Hydropower In an effort to move toward cleaner renewable energy, China is turning to huge hydropower projects and is currently adding 15 gigawatts of capacity each year, the Guardian reported. While the projects may cut coal’s share of energy production, they could also cause the displacement of thousands of people and alter river environments. Egypt, […]


The Stream, October 4: Tourism Exacts Toll on Water in a Silk Road City

Water Scarcity Water demand fueled by a booming tourism industry in Dunhuang, China, is outstripping both surface and groundwater supplies in the arid city, which was once an important stop along the Silk Road trading route, Xinhua reported. Efforts are underway to restore forests upstream of the city’s reservoir and divert water from a nearby […]