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968 search results for: flood india


The Stream, December 7: Heat and Drought in UK Made 30 Times More Likely by Manmade Climate Change, Study Claims

The Global Rundown The United Kingdom’s scorching summer was made 30 times more likely by human-driven global warming, a government report claims. Heavy rains cause flash floods in recently-burned areas of southern California. A 2015 Colorado mine spill did not cause long-lasting impacts on fish and other aquatic life, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says. […]


The Stream, December 6: El Paso, Texas, Plans to Convert Sewage Water to Drinking Water

The Global Rundown El Paso, Texas, plans to turn treated sewage water into drinking water. Heavy rains in Benghazi, Libya, swamp the city’s airport and hamper transportation. Flint, Michigan, announces the replacement of 7,000 lead water lines, but thousands of hazardous lines remain. A disruption of the Atlanta, Georgia, water system earlier this week could […]


The Stream, December 5: El Niño Could Cut Colombia’s Rainfall by 80 Percent, Environmental Minister Warns

The Global Rundown The emerging El Niño weather pattern may slash Colombia’s rainfall by 80 percent in the first months of 2019, the country’s environment minister warns. Newark, New Jersey, continues to grapple with lead contamination in its water supply. Atlanta, Georgia, lifts its citywide boil-water advisory. Tourism is straining water supplies on Thailand’s Phi […]


The Stream, November 30: Illinois Coal Plants are Threatening Nearby Waterways, Analysis Shows

The Global Rundown A new analysis shows that toxic waste from 22 Illinois coal plants is threatening nearby water sources. Cape Town, South Africa, announces plans to relax its Level 5 water restrictions. California researchers begin collecting water samples to determine the impact of recent wildfires on the state’s waterways. 2018 is expected to be […]


The Stream, November 15: Houston Skyscrapers Worsened Hurricane Harvey Rainfall, Study Says

The Global Rundown A new study suggests that skyscrapers in Houston, Texas, worsened the city’s flooding during Hurricane Harvey. Analysts warn that Africa’s largest cities are at “extreme risk” from climate change. Hurricane Florence broke 28 stream and river flood records in North and South Carolina. Vapor-condensing panels provide water to a rescue center in […]


The Stream, October 31: Waterways in Mali’s Capital Poisoned by Waste

The Global Rundown Bamako, Mali, becomes an ‘open-air toilet’ as the city’s population booms. A study finds that sidewalks constructed from travertine, an absorbent kitchen building material, could decrease urban flooding. In Lithuania, drought drives the first economic drop in eight years. Intense winds and heavy rains batter Italy, leaving 10 people dead. The U.S. […]


The Stream, October 30: African Countries Should “Decolonize” Water Laws, Report Says

The Global Rundown A recent report calls on African countries to ‘decolonize’ water. An unusually high tide sweeps through Venice, Italy, flooding three-quarters of the city. Pakistan bans Indian TV channels due to water-related tensions. Drought slashes eastern Australia’s crop output to half the twenty-year average. The boil water notice in Austin, Texas, is lifted. Shortages […]


The Stream, October 23: E. Coli Continues to Taint Tokyo Olympic Swim Venues

The Global Rundown E. Coli and other contaminants continue to pollute Olympic triathlon and marathon venue sites in Tokyo. Activists in Montenegro protest construction of an Albanian dam on the shared Cijevna river. The state of Michigan and the Canadian pipeline company Enbridge reach a deal to replace two decades-old oil pipelines in the Great Lakes. The risk of flooding in northeastern India due […]