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782 search results for: Canada


Federal Water Tap, June 16: A Legacy of Water Contaminated by Energy Development in the Northern Great Plains

Inadequate waste disposal practices from more than a century of oil and gas development — practices that are no longer permitted — are the chief source of salty brines in the waters of the Williston Basin, according to U.S. Geological Survey research. The Williston Basin, one of the nation’s critical bird habitats and one of […]


India’s Treacherous Coal Mines in Meghalaya

National court orders end to feudal labor conditions, wanton water pollution, and deadly accidents. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue SHILLONG, India – In the coalfields of Meghalaya, a wild and rural state in Northeast India, income and social standing are, quite literally, correlated on a perpendicular scale. In This Series Uttarakhand’s Furious Himalayan Flood […]


The Stream, April 21: Cholera-Contaminated Water Is Haiti’s Unresolved Crisis

Water Contamination Cholera in Haiti’s waterways is a persistent and neglected crisis nearly four years after United Nations peacekeepers allegedly introduced the disease following the devastating 2010 earthquake, The New York Times reported. Clinics treating those affected by the disease have been closing, and large funding shortfalls are leaving communities without necessary water purification tablets […]


Cause of Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms Gains More Certainty

New research finds that agricultural practices lead to biggest threat to water quality and health in the Great Lakes. Image courtesy NOAA CoastWatch A MODIS satellite image shows Lake Erie’s algal bloom in October, 2011. Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Changes in the timing and method of applying agricultural fertilizer […]


The Stream, March 25: Oil Spills Into Lake Michigan

Pollution Oil spilled into southern Lake Michigan Monday from a BP refinery in Indiana that was updated last year to accommodate an increasing amount of crude oil coming from Canada’s tar sands, Reuters reported. Lake Michigan is currently 60 percent covered in ice, and the company has not yet said how much oil was leaked. […]