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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, May 31: Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Maria Death Toll is 70 Times Higher than Official Figures, Researchers Say

The Global Rundown Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine determines the Puerto Rico death toll from Hurricane Maria is likely 70 times higher than official figures. Monsoon rains arrive early in South Asia. China calls on local governments to evaluate environmental damages from small-scale hydropower plants on the Yangtze River. Flooding from […]


The Stream, May 18: Avocado Production is Drying Up Chile’s Petorca Region, Villagers Claim

The Global Rundown Villagers in Petorca, Chile, claim that avocado plantations are sapping the region’s water supply. A study in South Africa’s Kruger National Park reveals that river ecosystems are being disrupted by an increase in cyclone-driven extreme floods. Fog catchers provide water to villages in the mountains of Morocco. Warming ocean temperatures are pushing […]


The Stream, May 17: Water Shortages Will Be Environmental Challenge of the Century, NASA Warns

The Global Rundown NASA predicts widespread water scarcity after a study shows freshwater decline in 19 global hotspots. Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan agree to study the impact of filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. A leaked report warns that the construction of Cambodia’s largest dam could devastate the Mekong River. The Zambian government levies fees […]


The Stream, April 10: Drought-Stricken Israel Plans to Build New Desalination Plants

The Global Rundown Israel plans to build two new desalination plants to combat ongoing drought. A deadly oil spill dirties waterways as it spreads along the coast of Borneo, Indonesia. Mountain snowpack in Colorado shrinks to 66 percent of its normal size. California revives the possibility of a two-tunnel water delivery project  Environmental groups organize […]


The Stream, April 3: Rivers Appear Overnight In Argentina Due to Deforestation, Climate Change

The Global Rundown New rivers appear unexpectedly across Argentina, likely due to deforestation and increasing rainfall. Radioactive contamination in Russia’s Techa River dirties the water supply of thousands. Environmentalists warn that coal mining may be impacting the quality of drinking water in Sydney, Australia. Damage to an old pipeline in Thessaloniki, Greece, leaves large sections […]


The Stream, March 22: Brasília Aims to End Water Rationing by December

The Global Rundown Water rationing in Brasília, Brazil, is expected to end by December. A recent report finds that over 800 million people must travel and queue for at least 30 minutes to access safe water. The American Chemical Society analyzes the impact of California’s wildfires on water supply. The number of water-saving “sponge cities” […]


Water Facts

Water shortages could affect 5 billion people by 2050.   Global demand for water has increased sixfold over the past 100 years.   Worldwide water demand is increasing by 1 percent each year.   6 million Brazilians have been displaced by flooding, drought, and other disasters since 2000.   By 2100, floods, droughts, and other […]