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782 search results for: Canada


In Great Lakes, Reports Offer Reassurance and Warnings About Oil Pipeline Safety

Three studies reach differing conclusions about the vulnerability of water and land Photo courtesy Michigan Department of Natural Resources Oil is cleaned off a bird at a animal rehabilitation center following the 2010 oil spill near Marshall, Michigan. The largest inland spill in U.S. history originated from Enbridge's ruptured Line 6B. Click image to enlarge. […]


The Stream, July 10: Great Barrier Reef’s UNESCO Heritage Status at Risk

Australia released a report Wednesday indicating that conditions at the Great Barrier Reef have dropped since 2009 from “moderate” to “poor”, Gulf News reported. Despite a successful decrease in agricultural runoff, the reef has been overwhelmed with “continuing poor water quality, cumulative impacts of climate change and increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events,” the […]


Federal Water Tap, July 1: President Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Regulate, Innovate, and Adapt That is the crux of President Barack Obama’s climate change plan, unveiled in a speech last Tuesday at Georgetown University and in an accompanying 21-page document. The president proposed actions, with the exception of his budgetary aspirations, that need no endorsement from Congress. In a move sure to face legal challenges, […]


The Stream, June 24: Power Out After Calgary Floods

Canada Floods One of the worst floods in Calgary’s history has left portions of the city—including downtown—without power, and officials said some isolated pockets could be without electricity for weeks or even months, Reuters reported. Calgary is considered Canada’s “oil capital” because it hosts the headquarters of many major oil companies. India Floods Ongoing rains […]


The Stream, May 23: Texas Water Infrastructure Bill Funded

The Texas House of Representatives and Senate both agreed to fund major water infrastructure improvements in Texas. The House, StateImpact Texas reported, created two accounts to loan money from, and the Senate authorized $2 billion for a water bank from state’s rainy day fund. Flawed Filtration In Montreal, more than one million residents were told […]


Federal Water Tap, May 20: Fracking Regulations, Arctic Strategy, Infrastructure

The Bureau of Land Management’s revised regulations for hydraulic fracturing, aka fracking, on federal lands pleased almost no one outside of Congress. The proposal has three prongs: disclosure of chemicals in the fracking fluid, quality-control for well construction, and wastewater disposal. The BLM’s goal is to streamline the reporting process “without introducing unnecessary new procedures […]