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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, September 17, 2021: Contaminated Drinking Water Kills Several Children in India

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN The deaths of seven children in India have been linked to unhygienic conditions and illegal drinking water pipe connections. In the American West, hydroelectricity threats force federal officials to release water from surrounding reservoirs to fill Lake Powell, while climate change threatens celebrated California The Shoal Lake First Nation in Canada has […]


The Stream, September 16, 2021: Waterways in the United Kingdom Are Polluted By Sewage and Agricultural Runoff, Report Says

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A new report sheds light on water pollution in U.K. waterways. New data finds that 2020 was the deadliest year on record for environmental activists around the world. Incarcerated women in New York complain that their drinking water has been contaminated after Hurricane Ida. Regional threats spurred by climate change have become […]


The Stream, March 25, 2021: Indus River Negotiations Between India and Pakistan Resume

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN India and Pakistan resume Indus River negotiations for the first time in two years. A new study reveals warming subsurface water in Lake Michigan. An independent panel in Canada’s Yukon province reviews outdated mining laws that don’t benefit locals and First Nations communities. A campaign to stop hydropower development on an Albanian […]


The Stream, March 24, 2021: Australia Inundated With Record Rainfall

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Millions of Australians are affected by record rainfall and flooding. Two Colorado utilities will test the feasibility of a controversial reservoir in the state’s Western Slope. An Alaskan construction company and the EPA reached a settlement over violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The United States and Ethiopia hold talks over […]


The Stream, February 23, 2021: More Than 1,000 Evacuate Indonesia’s Capital After Monsoon Floods

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Monsoon floods force mass evacuations in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta. Despite heavy snowfall in Utah, water scarcity could continue this summer. A recent study finds a significant portion of Mumbai’s coastline is at high risk of flooding. The United States will resume some aid to Ethiopia that was cut off last fall. Experts […]