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97 search results for: Uganda


Drought, Heat, and Conflict Strand Residents of Dadaab

World’s largest refugee camp illustrates human costs of water-scarce era. By Kayla Cragg, Circle of Blue The desert of thorns and rocks northwest of Nairobi, Kenya is so unforgiving that it takes all day and a good bit of the night to reach the Dadaab refugee camp about 300 miles away near the border with […]


HotSpots H2O, March 7: African Leaders Debate Nile River Usage Rights

The Global Rundown Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni calls for “maximum consensus” as African leaders debate the Nile River’s usage rights. Drought in the Bay region of Somalia took the lives of over one hundred people in two days. Shelling destroys critical infrastructure in Ukraine and thousands of people have no water. India agrees to attend a […]


The Stream, February 15: Food Prices Double After East Africa Drought

The Global Rundown Drought and failed rains have pushed food prices to record levels across East Africa. Residents returned to their homes downstream of California’s damaged Oroville Dam after an evacuated order was lifted Tuesday. Sea ice in Antarctica reached its lowest extent on record. Aid agencies warned of a health and sanitation crisis in […]


The Stream, February 2: Somalia Famine Appeal Remains Underfunded

The Global Rundown More resources are urgently needed to prevent a famine in drought-hit Somalia, United Nations agencies warned. The Dakota Access oil pipeline may soon secure a federal permit to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Heavy rains in Zimbabwe could destroy crops this season, another setback for farmers affected by last year’s […]


Kenya’s Drought Worsens in the Wake of Below-Average Rainfall

The Rundown Low rainfall levels in late 2016 have intensified drought conditions in Kenya, leading to food and water insecurity in arid and semi-arid regions. The drought has already triggered livestock deaths, crop failure, and school closures. This month, the Kenyan government warned that without urgent and appropriate action, Kenya risks conditions similar to the […]


El Nino Is Over But the Damage Continues

More than 60 million people face hunger, malnutrition. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The El Nino that swept the world starting in the summer of 2015 was one of the worst on record, according to leading meteorological agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The weather phenomenon caused by warm ocean water in […]


The Stream, September 5: Water Dispute Arises Between Azerbaijan and Dagestan

Water Dispute The Russian Republic of Dagestan has accused neighboring Azerbaijan of taking more than its allotted share of water from the Samur River, leaving Dagestan with inadequate supplies for irrigation, Radio Free Europe reported. Azerbaijan, however, says a persistent drought has resulted in falling water levels in the river. Africa Uganda’s National Water and […]