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1471 search results for: China


HotSpots H2O, February 28: Pope Francis Warns of World War Over Water

The Global Rundown Pope Francis warns that water scarcity may lead to world war. Pakistan initiates a major hydropower project despite an ongoing water dispute with India. Humanitarian operations are expanding in Yemen as conflict leaves thousands without shelter, food, or water. Deepening famine in South Sudan is forcing some to survive on weeds and […]


The Stream, February 28: Asia Needs $800 Billion Water Investment

The Global Rundown Countries in Asia need to invest an estimated $800 billion in water and sanitation infrastructure, according to the Asian Development Bank. Communities in Pakistan’s Sindh province worry new coal mines could pollute their water. In China, sand mining operations threaten water levels and water quality in Poyang Lake. Fishermen living near India’s […]


The Stream, February 27: Storms Cut Water For Millions In Chile’s Capital

The Global Rundown Landslides and floods contaminated the Maipo River in Chile, leaving millions without water in Santiago. California’s governor proposed a multi-million dollar spending package to boost flood defenses. Water experts in Hong Kong urged the city to follow Singapore’s lead and increase water prices. Sensors installed on water pumps in Africa could collect […]


Utilities Move to Break Arizona’s Coal-Water Link

The proposed halt to operations in 2019 at the West’s largest coal-fired power plant could attract White House attention. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Since 1976 the 2,250-megawatt coal-fired Navajo Generating Station, with its three towering stacks belching thick plumes of steam, has commanded the summit of a high bluff close to the Colorado […]


The Stream, February 8: Dakota Access Lake Oahe Easement Approved

The Global Rundown The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved a controversial easement for the Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Global mining executives highlighted water as one of the industry’s top risks. China announced deadlines for its provinces to draw “ecological red lines” to protect the environment from development. […]


Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]


The Stream, January 23: G20 Countries Commit To Protect Water For Agriculture

The Global Rundown Representatives of the Group of Twenty countries in Berlin announced they will pursue agricultural practices that better protect water supplies and ecosystems. Residents of Ecuador will not get compensation for water pollution from Chevron’s subsidiary in Canada after a court decision blocked enforcement of an earlier ruling. A major reservoir project in […]


The Stream, January 6: Cutting Water Supplies To Damascus Is A War Crime, UN Says

The Global Rundown Amid water cuts in Damascus, United Nations representatives in Syria said that deliberately depriving civilians of fresh water supplies is a war crime. Population growth and economic uncertainties could exacerbate water supply problems in Saudi Arabia. Human activities are likely to blame for the declining health of waterways like Montana’s Yellowstone River, […]